Medical Laboratory Science Curriculum

Courses listed here fulfill requirements for a Bachelor of Science, major in Medical Laboratory Science, from North Dakota State University.  Courses included in the pre-professional curriculum must be completed prior to starting the professional class and clinical experience/internship (MLS 496) in a NAACLS accredited, affiliated hospital-based medical laboratory science program. Graduates of the B.S. program are eligible to take the national certification exam offered by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification.

Meet with your NDSU MLS advisor for more information about degree requirements, internship locations, plan of study, and admission criteria. Students will meet with their NDSU MLS advisor at least one year prior to anticipated internship application.

You will work closely with your NDSU MLS advisor to plan for a successful program completion.

First Year

  • ENGL 110, College Composition I - 4 credits 
  • ENGL 120, College Composition II - 3 credits
  • MATH 103, College Algebra - 3 credits
  • BIOL 150/L, Gen Biology and Lab - 4 credits
  • CHP 190, Critical Thinking & Academic Success - 2 credits
  • CSCI 114, Microcomputer Packages - 3 credits
  • COMM 110, Fundamentals of Public Speaking - 3 credits
  • CHEM 121/L, General Chemistry I and Lab I - 4 credits
  • CHEM 122/L, General Chemistry II and Lab II - 4 credits
  • Wellness - 2 credits

Second Year

  • *CHEM 240, Survey of Organic Chemistry OR CHEM 341/L, Org Chem I, Lab - 3-4 credits*
  • MICR 350/L, Gen Microbiology and Lab - 5 credits
  • MLS 200, Intro to Medical Lab Science - 1 credit
  • BIOL 220/L, Human Anatomy/Physiology I and Lab - 4 credits
  • BIOL 221/L, Human Anatomy/Physiology II and Lab - 4 credits
  • *CHEM 342, Organic Chemistry II - 0-3 credits*
  • MICR 460/L, Pathogenic Microbiology and Lab - 5 credits
  • STAT 330, Introductory Statistics - 3 credits
  • **General Education/Electives - 6 credits

Third Year

  • BIOL 315/L, Genetics and Lab - 4 credits
  • BIOC 460/L, Found/Biochem/Molecular Biology I and Lab - 4 credits
  • *BIOC 461, Found/Biochem/Molecular Biology II and Lab - 0-3 credits*
  • MICR 470/471, Immunology and Lab - 5 credits
  • MICR 463, Clinical Parasitology - 2 credits
  • MLS 435, Hematology - 2 credits
  • **General Education Requirements/Electives - 6 credits
  • 300-400 English writing course - 3 credits

Fourth Year

  • MLS 496, Field Experience/Internship2 - 30 credits


This is a sample plan of study.  Other variations are possible.  

2 Credits earned in an affiliated, NAACLS-accredited hospital program; one year in length, including one summer session. 

*Students have the option to complete one full year of 300-level organic chemistry (Chem 341, 341L & 342) with one semester of 400-level biochemistry or one semester of survey organic chemistry (Chem 240) and one full year of 400-level biochemistry. 

**General education requirements include six credits of approved Social/Behavioral Sciences and six credits of approved Humanities and Fine Arts.  Cultural Diversity and Global Perspective requirements may be combined with Social/Behavioral Science and Humanities/Fine Arts courses for no additional credits. 


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