Radiologic Sciences Curriculum

Courses listed in the curriculum fulfill requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Radiologic Sciences from North Dakota State University. Students interested in any one of three specializations within the NDSU RS major – radiography, echocardiography, diagnostic medical sonography - will complete the same prerequisite courses to prepare for application to the professional-level RS internship.

Meet with your NDSU RS advisor for more information about degree requirements, internship locations, plan of study, and admission criteria. Students meet with their NDSU RS advisor at least one year prior to anticipated internship application.

You will work closely with your NDSU RS advisor to plan for a successful program completion.

First Year

  • ENGL 110, College Composition I - 4 credits 
  • ENGL 120, College Composition II - 3 credits
  • MATH 105, Trigonometry - 3 credits
  • MICR 202/L, Intro. Microbiology and Lab - 3 credits
  • PSYC 111, Intro to Psychology - 3 credits
  • CHEM 117/L Chemical Concepts and Lab1 - 4 credits
  • BIOC 260, Elements of Biochemistry1 - 4 credits
  • CHP 190, Critical Thinking & Academic Success - 2 credits
  • CSCI 114, Microcomputer Packages - 3 credits
  • Wellness - 2 credits
  • General Education/Electives - 3 credits

Second Year

  • RS 200, Intro to Radiologic Sciences - 1 credits
  • BIOL 220/L, Human Anatomy/Physiology I and Lab - 4 credits
  • BIOL 221/L, Human Anatomy/Physiology II and Lab - 4 credits
  • COMM 110, Fundamentals of Public Speaking - 3 credits
  • PHYS 211/L, College Physics I and Lab - 4 credits
  • PHYS 212/L, College Physics II and Lab - 4 credits
  • STAT 330, Introductory Statistics - 3 credits
  • Special Elective (department approved) - 3 credits
  • General Education/Elective - 6 credits
  • CHP 125, Medical Terminology for Health Professionals, 1 credit
  • PHRM 170, Common Medicines and Diseases - 2 credits

Third Year

  • RS 496, Field Experience/Internship2 - 30 credits
  • 300-400 English writing course - 3 credits
  • Special Elective (department approved) - 3 credits

Fourth Year

  • RS 496, Field Experience/Internship2 - 30 credits


1Chem 117, 117L, and Bioc 260 is the minimum requirement for RS majors. Chem 121, 121L/122, 122L, Chem 240, and Bioc 260 OR other variations of general, organic, and biochemistry may be substituted with pre-approval by the department.

2RS 496 education takes place within the affiliated hospital classroom, lab, and clinical.  RS 496 courses vary by specialization.  Students will apply for admission into RS 496 (60 credits) during their final year on campus. The RS 496 internship schedule is full-time, 40 hours per week, and includes summer sessions.

First and second year courses are required to be successfully completed prior to start of the professional-level hospital internship. Hospital program prerequisites vary.


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