Get Involved

By joining the NDSU Center for the Study of Digital Society, you become part of a dynamic community dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology and society. Whether you are a faculty or staff member, graduate student, or undergraduate student, your involvement contributes to shaping a more inclusive, sustainable, and secure digital future.

We look forward to welcoming you into our community. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.


How You Can Get Involved

For Faculty, Staff & Graduate Students:

If you are a faculty/staff member or a graduate student interested in affiliating with the Center for the Study of Digital Society, we welcome your collaboration. Affiliation offers opportunities for interdisciplinary research, access to resources, and engagement in our vibrant intellectual community. To request affiliation, please complete the form below:

[Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Student Affiliation Form - Coming Soon!]

For Undergraduate Students:

Are you an undergraduate student eager to gain research experience and delve into the fascinating realms of digital society, humanities, and computational social science? We encourage you to express your interest in joining our research endeavors. Please complete the form below to indicate your interest, and we'll guide you on exciting opportunities within the center:

[Undergraduate Student Research Interest Form - Coming Soon!]

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