COVID-19 Vaccine Information Center

Updated Vaccine Schedules

As of September 2023, the CDC recommends that people ages 6 months and older receive the updated (2023-2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of your COVID-19 vaccine history. 

The updated COVID-19 vaccine formula targets the circulating Omicron variant. The bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are no longer recommended in the United States.

PDF download: COVID-19 Vaccine Schedules Updated September 20, 2023

COVID-19 Risk Continuum

The number of doses you need depends on your age, health status, and vaccine brand:  

  • Everyone ages 5 years and older is recommended to receive 1 dose of updated (2023–­2024 Formula) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
  • Children ages 6 months–4 years:
    • Initial vaccination: should receive either 2 doses of updated (2023­–2024 Formula) Moderna or 3 doses of updated (2023–­2024 Formula) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
    • Previously vaccinated with mRNA doses: need 1 or 2 doses of updated (2023–­2024 Formula) Moderna or updated (2023­–­2024 Formula) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, depending on the number of prior doses
  • People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised
    • Initial vaccination: should receive a 3-dose series of updated (2023–­2024 Formula) Moderna or updated (2023–­2024 Formula) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
    • Previously vaccinated with mRNA doses: need 1 or 2 doses of updated (2023­–2024 Formula) Moderna or updated (2023–­2024 Formula) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, depending on the number of prior doses
    • May receive 1 or more additional updated (2023–­­2024 Formula) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses

The Novavax vaccine updated formula was authorized by the FDA on October 3, 2023, and is also recommended for use. This vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, but a protein-subunit vaccine. 


 About the COVID-19 Vaccine​

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Individuals that are PDF download: up-to-date on their vaccines are less likely to have symptomatic infection, severe disease, hospitalization, and death compared to nonvaccinated individuals. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect ourselves and those around us from COVID-19. Read the latest studies. ​

Most people 6 months of age and older are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (known as Comirnaty, pronounded koe-mire'-na-tee) and the Moderna vaccine (known as Spikevax) has full FDA approval for individuals 6 months of age and older. The Novavax vaccine has emergency use authorization from the FDA. 

The public can be very confident that these vaccines meet high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality . Read more about the FDA approval and the Biologics License Applications (BLA) process. 

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Vaccine Safety

While some people may experience mild symptoms after receiving the vaccine, serious adverse events are rare. Medical providers and vaccine experts recommend the vaccine because the benefits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine greatly outweigh the risks. ​

COVID-19 vaccines were studied in clinical trials in tens of thousands of people from diverse ages, races and ethnicities. Manufacturers had to meet rigorous safety and efficacy standards before their vaccines were authorized for use in the U.S. Today, over 675 million people in the U.S. have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intensive safety monitoring in our history – reassuring us that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. ​

Learn More About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety

Available Vaccines & Eligibility 

Currently, there are three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the US: Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax. Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines. Novavax is a protein subunit vaccine. These vaccines teach your body to fight off COVID-19. Vaccines do not stick around in our body for long, nor do they give you COVID-19. Rather, if we come in contact with the virus that causes COVID-19, the vaccine has prepped our immune system to recognize the virus and fight off the infection more effectively.  

Most children and adults age 6 months and older are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Learn more about the COVID-19 Vaccine. 

Get Your Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine Locator or text GETVAX to 438829 to find a vaccine near you!


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