Created by Jill |

For sites, the behavior of the top navigation (black navigation bar) has been updated so that site owners can apply custom navigation without submitting a help request.

Instead, simply…

Created by Jill |

Updated the news feeds for sites to escape special characters like ampersands (&) in article titles and description.  This will avoid future errors with broken feeds in the event such a…

Created by Jill |

For all NDSU sites, the "banner link" (activated by clicking on the banner graphic) has been updated to point to the site home page in a different way.

Previously, the link was hard-coded to point to…

Created by Jill |

The print stylesheet has been updated to include link URLs after the link text.  An example of what this would look like is shown below.

The print version will expand link text like

Note that this functionally currently does not work in…

Created by Jill |

Updated the print stylesheet to prepend the graphic used for note, tip and warning paragraphs.  Previously, the printed version of a page used a colored border to provide highlight to these…

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