
Learn more about registering for professional development classes.


To register for a K-12 professional development class, find the class in the List of K-12 classes and click on the "register now" link. When you fill out the registration form be sure to create an account as that will allow you to access receipts from all courses you have taken. If you check out as a guest you will not be able to access course receipts.

Some K-12 professional development classes may require that you register for the conference or activity in addition to registering for credit with NDSU. Please check the special instructions for each teacher training class for more details.

The 2000 class designation is reserved for professional development for teachers and is designed to help teachers stay current in their fields, meet their recertification needs, and salary advancement goals. Classes with the 2000 designation are considered graduate professional-development level. These courses do not require admission to the NDSU Graduate School, and consequently, are not eligible for use on graduate programs of study. Because they are graduate level, a bachelor's degree is a prerequisite for registration. Teachers should verify with their certification/licensing boards and/or school district to ensure professional development courses will meet their individual professional development needs prior to registering.

Be sure to use your legal name when registering. If you have taken a class with NDSU Distance and Continuing Education under a former name (maiden name, etc.), please make note of that in the "Former Name" section provided on the first page of the registration form, otherwise use your current legal name if no change has been made or if you have not taken a class with us before. 

Your registration for professional development classes will not be processed until payment has been received. After payment is received, please expect 2 to 3 business days before you receive a notification about your class.




Course Completion

A maximum of 15 credits per semester (Fall & Spring Semesters) and 12 credits (Summer Semester) is allowed. All students must complete the course work by the end of the semester in which they enrolled. Please make every effort to complete your coursework as instructors cannot leave a grade blank and therefore must submit a failing grade of U or F. If you need an extension on your coursework, contact your instructor to make arrangements. Instructors may submit a grade change for individuals who are granted an extension and complete their work within that extension period.


Cancellation/Refund Policy

Full refunds are made if you cancel your registration prior to the start of the course.  

You may cancel your registration anytime after the class registration deadline and prior to the last day of the course by emailing NDSU Distance and Continuing Education ( with your name, the name of the class, and the dates of the class.

Refunds are typically not issued after the start of the course or after access to the course has been provided. If you have extenuating circumstances for why you are unable to finish the class, you may be eligible to drop the class with a refund (subject to a $25 cancellation fee). All refund appeal requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please email your appeal letter and all supporting documentation to



Tuition & Fees

The cost for the class varies for each professional development offering based on the delivery mode and number of credits. Some classes require the purchase of textbooks in addition to the cost of the class. This will be listed within the class information before registering.



Textbooks & Supplies

Contact your instructor directly to determine where to get textbooks and other supplies needed for your NDSU Distance and Continuing Education classes.  Some textbooks and supplies may be available at the NDSU Bookstore.




Classes offered through NDSU Distance and Continuing Education are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and are approved through the academic departments and colleges at NDSU. Teachers should verify with their school district, certification board, or licensing board to ensure these classes will meet their individual needs prior to registering.



Transcripts & Grading

If you require an unofficial transcript or if you need to order an official transcript, please view our transcript ordering instructions. Individuals are encouraged to review their unofficial transcript to ensure all grades are posted prior to ordering an official transcript. 

A fee applies to order an official transcript. Please allow 2 - 3 weeks once you have submitted your course work to the instructor for grades to be posted to your transcript. 




A receipt for your course is emailed to you immediately after you register and pay online. If you need a replacement receipt you can go to the register and pay online link, login to your account, click the account tab at the top right of the page, and then click the orders link in the left hand menu. If you did not create an account you will not be able to access receipts for any previous courses.


Name Change Form

Use this form if you have officially changed your name and need your NDSU transcripts to reflect that change. 

Follow these steps to get to the form:

  1. Go to Name change form
  2. Click on the "NDUS eForms" card.
  3. In left hand menu click on "Legal Name Change Request."
  4. Fill out the form and upload the necessary legal documents.

If you have questions regarding the form contact Lisa Anderson in Registration and Records at  or call (701) 231-7733.


Delivery Modes

Our classes are available through a variety of class formats so that you can choose an option that will provide the best educational experience for your learning style. These options are convenient, affordable, and flexible based on your needs. The delivery methods are categorized as follows: 

Online professional development classes may use a learning management system called Blackboard (some classes may use Moodle or Google) to post a syllabus, materials, assignments, and communication from instructors. Users do all the work online and then submit assignments digitally in a digital drop box.

These professional development classes are a combination of delivery modes. For example, a class may have one or two face-to-face meeting dates combined with online coursework to complete the required semester credit hours.

Face-to-Face Classes
These professional development classes are offered in a regular classroom setting.  They may be offered for regional K-12 teachers or for specific school districts and their staff development requirements. School districts nationwide may request approval from NDSU Distance and Continuing Education for a face-to-face class they want to offer to their teachers for staff development purposes.



Class Updates

As of 5/17/17: NDSU's K-12 professional development class number changed from 600 to 2000 (ex. EDUC 2000). Please note this change was applied systemwide to the North Dakota University System (NDUS) institutions. 

As of 7/20/15: In accordance with NDSU policy, only course participants who have enrolled and paid their fees by the enrollment deadline for each course will be considered enrolled. Late registrations are charged the credit registration fee plus a $25 late fee.






Contact NDSU Distance and Continuing Education by email or at (701) 231-7015. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the school year and 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the summer. We will do our best to respond promptly.

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