Outreach Requests

Presentations/ Outreach 

The NDSU Counseling Center provides presentations for classes, organizations, faculty, and staff. Presentation requests may be centered around stress management, anxiety, depression, suicide, as well as, group debriefings in response to distressing events or situations, including fraternities/sororities, residential halls, sports teams, or academic departments. 

While our primary focus is on clinical counseling work, we are committed to collaborating with you to the best of our capacity.



Please send an email at least 2 weeks before your event. Our Director, Bill Burns, will be in touch with you soon. You can reach him at william.burns@ndsu.edu.

In your email please include the following information: 

  • Contact person
  • NDSU Org/Dept.
  • Event Name/ Type of Event 
  • Location, Date, Approx. Duration, Number of people expected. 
  • Topic or Handouts requested by NDSU Counseling Center (e.g., Center services, stress and anxiety management, suicide awareness).
  • What areas from the above topic do you want specifically addressed?
  • Media Provided
  • Any other information about your event or questions?
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