Parental Notification Policy

Parents or guardians of students under 21 may be contacted by an NDSU staff member if a student is found responsible for alcohol and/or drug related violations. Notification may be made in the following instances:

  • If a University referral for assessments or evaluations for chemical dependency is assigned, and/or when conduct sanctions of Conduct Probation or greater are assigned.
  • Based on situations that appear to endanger the health, safety, or life of other persons or the student.
  • If an individual is involved in incidents that resulting in significant property damage.
  • If a decision is made that it is in the best interest of the student to involve a parent or guardian to help address other significant life concerns related to illegal use of alcohol or other drugs.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits an institution of higher education to disclose to parents or legal guardians the results of disciplinary hearings with respect to the illegal use of alcohol or other drugs if the student is less than 21 years of age and has been found responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct. The institution's primary relationship is with the student. Our goal is to encourage individual personal growth and development. When such growth and development seem unlikely to occur without parental involvement, the University reserves the right to engage parents or guardians in that process.

NDSU has chosen not to notify parents or guardians of every violation in an effort to support and encourage students to engage in voluntary conversations about such incidents with their parents or guardians. Any questions concerning the development or implementation of this policy may be addressed by contacting our office at (701) 231-7701.

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