Typical Sanctions and Conditions

Sanctions and conditions are assigned based on the severity and persistence of violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Generally, a more severe impact on the community (property destruction, physical harm to another, etc.) will result in more severe sanctions and conditions. Continuous violations or violations motivated by bias may also result in enhanced sanctions.

Because each situation is different, there is not a prescribed schedule of consequences for each type of policy violation. The hearing officer considers all factors of the case in coming to an appropriate decision. The sections below outline common sanctions and conditions.

Sanctions define the student’s relationship with the University. They are an indicator of status and standing. Sanctions include:

  • Written Warning – Typically assigned when there is low-level impact from the violation on the student and/or community. Does not restrict the student in any way.
  • Conduct Probation – Typically assigned when there is a low to medium-level impact on the student and/or community. Prohibits the student from holding leadership positions in organizations, and may enhance future sanctions and conditions.
  • Supervised Conduct Probation – Typically assigned when there is a medium to high-level impact on the student and/or community, or when there is a pattern of repeated violations. Requires students to meet with a staff member on a regular basis throughout probation, and enhances future sanctions and conditions.
  • Conduct Suspension – Typically assigned when there is a high-level impact to the student and/or community or there have been a series of lower-level violations. Requires students to be away from NDSU for a specified period of time and may require completion of assigned conditions.
  • Conduct Expulsion – Typically assigned when the severity of the violation and/or the attitude of the student indicate ongoing threat to the broader community. Permanently severs ties between the student and the institution.

Conditions are assigned actions that must be completed in order to be in good standing with NDSU. Conditions focus on the education and growth of the student and/or the repair of harm done. Typical conditions include:

  • Written Assignments – These are designed for learning through research and reflection.
  • Participation in a Specific Activity or Project – This is an activity such as a conversation with a university official, community service, on-going drug testing, attendance at an event, or completion of an educational series.
  • Loss of Privileges – This could include restricted access to facilities, the loss of the ability to participate in events or organizations, and the loss of campus housing.
  • No Contact Order – Formal directive prohibiting contact between two or more individuals.
  • Restitution – Repayment for stolen or damaged University property.
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