Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Case Management and Counseling?

  • Case Management provides problem-solving support, resources and advocacy for external challenges that are impacting a student’s personal and/or academic success. A case manager's role is similar to a social worker.
  • Counseling provides therapeutic support for good mental health, emotional resilience and wellness. They provide individual and group therapy services.

How do I refer myself or someone else to Case Management?

  • You may complete the short referral form and someone will reach out to you or the student.

What is the difference between the Care Team Referral and Case Management Referral?

  • The form is the same and will be reviewed in the same manner. Care Team referral is often used when there is concern but unknown cause that may need further assessment. These may then eventually be moved to Case Management. You do not need to figure out what the student needs.  What is important is that you refer!

How do I know if the issue is appropriate for Case Management?

  • If you are concerned about a student’s well-being, then any issue is appropriate for Case Management, except for Title IX Office concerns. We will help the student get to the right place if we are not the correct department to assist them.
  • If the student is having a mental health concern and is unsure about going to the Counseling Center, we can address the student’s concerns and normalize the counseling process, as well as help the student connect with counseling and/or other supports.
  • Case Management is not the appropriate resource for issues of sexual assault or sexual misconduct because we are not a confidential resource and will have to report information to the Title IX Office. NDSU has a Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Coordinator that can provide specialized, confidential sexual assault and sexual misconduct support to students.
  • If we are not the right office for the issue, we will connect the student to the resources to assist them.
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