
  • Scanning electron microscopy
  • Transmission electron microscopy
  • Micro computed X-ray tomography
  • Image processing 

Microscopy services include fixation, dehydration, infiltration, embedding, ultra­thin sectioning, staining, critical-point drying, and sputter coating for electron microscopy; light microscopy assistance; and complete image acquisition and processing including preparation of journal figures.  MicroCT enables versatile detailed nondestructive analysis of nonliving specimens, available nowhere else in the region.

Schedule a meeting with us to discuss your imaging and analysis needs and receive a detailed estimate to facilitate your project planning.  High-quality scientific images for inclusion in academic grant proposals will be prepared at no charge.  Otherwise, to help defray the cost of equipment, supplies, service contracts, and salaries not covered by NDSU, we operate on a for-fee basis.  For NDSU users, billing is by SSI spreadsheet only; please have your department accounts technician complete and sign Microsoft Excel spreadsheet download: this form.

Groups and individuals of all ages are welcome to visit the laboratory; we will be happy to tailor a tour for you.  Please call or e-mail us to schedule.

The Electron Microscopy Core cannot accept unfixed samples involving humans, nonhuman primates, or potentially infectious agents.  Bulk sample material must be returned to the researcher for proper disposal.

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