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A full and updated list of my publications can be found through Google Scholar. My CV can be downloaded from here (last updated 01/20/2018). Student names are in italic (student names appear underlined in the CV). 

  • Papers Accepted/Appeared
  1. Aslaam, N.Vogiatzis, C., Szmerekovsky, J. "Biomass feedstock supply chain network design with conversion incentives", Energy Policy, accepted (2018).
  2. Vogiatzis, C. and Walteros, J.L. "Integer Programming Models for Detecting Graph Bipartitions with Structural Requirements", Networks, accepted (2017).
  3. Yoshida, R., Fukumizu, K., and Vogiatzis, C. "Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis with Gene Tree Clustering", Annals of Operations Research, accepted (2017).
  4. Vogiatzis, C., Veremyev, A., Pasiliao, E.L., and Pardalos, P.M., Integer Programming Approaches for Finding the Most and Least Central Cliques, Optimization Letters 9 (4), pp. 615-633 (2015).
  5. Vogiatzis, C., Pasiliao, E.L., and Pardalos, P.M., Graph partitions for the multidimensional assignment problem, Computational Optimization and Applications 58(1) pp. 205– 224 (2014).
  6. Walteros, J.L., Vogiatzis, C., Pasiliao, E.L., and Pardalos, P.M., Integer Programming Models for the Multidimensional Assignment Problem with Star Costs, European Journal of Operational Research 235(3), pp. 553–568 (2014).
  7. Davis, J.R., Paramygin, V.A., Vogiatzis, C., Sheng, Y.P., Pardalos, P.M., and Figueiredo, R.J., Strengthening the resiliency of a coastal transportation system through integrated simulation of storm surge, inundation, and non-recurrent congestion in Northeast Florida, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2(2), pp. 287–305 (2014).
  8. Vogiatzis, C., Yoshida, R., Aviles-Spadoni, I., Imamoto, S., and Pardalos, P.M., Evacuation planning for livestock in case of natural and man-made emergencies, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 31(1), pp. 25–37 (2013).
  • Chapters
  1. Vogiatzis, C. and Pardalos, P.M., Evacuation Modeling and Betweenness Centrality, Dynamics of Disasters, to appear (2016).
  2. Vogiatzis, C. and Pardalos, P.M., Combinatorial Optimization Techniques in Transportation and Logistics Networks, in Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, Pardalos, Panos M., Du, Ding-Zhu; Graham, Ronald L. (Eds.), Vol. 3, pp 673–722 (2013).
  3. Vogiatzis, C., Walteros, J.L., and Pardalos, P.M., Evacuation through clustering techniques, in Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis, pp. 185–198 (2013).
  4. Davis, J. R., Paramygin, V. A., Figueiredo, R. J., Sheng, Y. P., Vogiatzis, C., and Pardalos, P. M., The Coastal Science Educational Virtual Appliance (CSEVA), Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Malcolm L. Spaulding ed., ASCE (2012).
  5. Vogiatzis, C., Sensors in Transportation and Logistics Networks, in Sensors: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 61(3), pp. 145-163 (2012) 
  • Books/Special Issues
  1. Pardalos, P.M., Vogiatzis, C., and Walteros, J.L., Selected Papers from the Learning and Intelligent Optimization 8 Conference, Special Issue at Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, to appear (2016).
  2. Vogiatzis, C., Walteros, J.L., and Pardalos, P.M., Dynamics of Information Systems: Computational and Mathematical Challenges, Springer (edited).
  3. Pardalos, P.M., Resende, M.G.C., Vogiatzis, C., and Walteros, J.L., Learning and Intelligent Optimization 8, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (edited).
  • Papers Submitted/In Preparation 
  1. Vogiatzis, C. and Camur, M.C., Identification of essential proteins using induced stars in protein-protein interaction networks, under 2nd round of reviews in INFORMS Journal on Computing (2017).
  2. Yasui, N., Vogiatzis, C., Yoshida, R., and Fukumizu, K., "imPhy: Imputing Phylogenetic Trees with Missing Information using Mathematical Programming", submitted in IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology (2017).
  3. Rasti, S. and Vogiatzis, C. "A survey of computational methods in protein-protein interaction networks", submitted in Annals of Operations Research (2017).
  4. Rasti, S. and Vogiatzis, C. "Novel group centrality metrics for detecting essentiality in protein-protein interaction networks", in preparation (2017).


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