New Beginnings for Tribal Students Initiatives

The New Beginnings for Tribal Students initiatives are funded in part by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture New Beginnings for Tribal Students grant program.

Making Good: Delivering Educational Equity for and with Indigenous Tribal Students and Communities

The goal of this initiative, funded in fall of 2020, is to create an institutional framework that will not only offer Tribal students the opportunities of higher education, but provide a holistic support system to ensure their success.

Project Director: Alan Kallmeyer

Co-Project Directors: Ramona Danielson, Dilvin Habib

Team members: Laura Oster-Aaland, Julie Nash, Jan Stankiewicz, Cali Anicha, Seinquis Leinen

Supporting Students From Urban Inter-Tribal And Rural Tribal Communities

The overall goal of this initiative, funded in fall of 2021, is to address the post-secondary needs of a growing population of Tribal learners from both rural and urban settings.

Project Director: Alan Kallmeyer

Co-Project Directors: Gregory Lardy, Melody Staebner, Dilvin Habib

Team Members: Cali Anicha, Becky Bahe, John Creese, Ramona Danielson, Seinquis Leinen, Julie Nash, Jan Stankiewicz

Circling Back, Affording Tribal Students Opportunities to Flourish: Infrastructure, Extramural Learning, TCU Partnerships, and Disability/Health Equity

Funded the fall of 2022, in recognition that Tribal communities value educational pathways to cultural revitalization and sustainability, the overall goal of the initiative is to increase Tribal student enrollment and to support their persistence through work readiness and degree completion.

Project Director: Alan Kallmeyer

Co-Project Directors: Gregory Lardy, Leander (Russ) McDonald, Dilvin Habib

Team Members: Cali Anicha, David Bertolini, John Creese, Ramona Danielson, Edwin Kitzes, Seinquis Leinen, Molly McKinnon, Julie Nash, Laura Oster-Aaland, Jan Stankiewicz

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