

Alexander Tesler, Heikki Nurmi , Stefan Kolle , Lucia Prado , Bhuvaneshwari Karunakaran , Anca Mazare , Ina Erceg, iris de Brito Soares , George Sarau, Silke Christiansen , Shane Stafslien , Joanna Aizenberg , Ben Fabry , Robin Ras , Wolfgang Goldmann, “Evaluation of Thermodynamic Stability on Submerged Superhydrophobic Surfaces Toward Real-World Applications,” 2024, Advanced Materials, submitted for publication.

Jackson Benda; Madhura Pade; Ihor Tarnavchyk; Ryan Burgett; Jonas Sahouani; James Bahr; Kailey Richard; Kelli Z. Hunsucker; Geoffrey Swain; Shane Stafslien; Dean Webster, “Evaluation of adhesion and fouling-release properties of non-toxic fouling-release coatings applied to oil boom materials,” 2024, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, submitted for publication.

Naveen Joshi, Shubhangi Shukla, Nayna Khosla, Lyndsi Vanderwal, Shane Stafslien, Jagdish Narayan, Roger J. Narayan, “Q-carbon as an emergent surface coating material for antimicrobial applications,” 2024, Thin Solid Films, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4467042.



Rahimi, AliReza; Faiyaz, Kinza; Stafslien, Shane; VanderWal, Lyndsi; Bahr, James; Safaripour, Maryam; Finlay, John; Clare, Anthony S.; Webster, Dean, “Amphiphilic Balance: Effect of hydrophilic-hydrophobic Ratio on Fouling-Release Surfaces,” Langmuir, 2023,

Sina Azizi Machekposhti, Lyndsi Vanderwal, Shane Stafslien, Roger J. Narayan, “Novel hollow biodegradable microneedle for amphotericin B delivery,” 2023, MedComm – Biomaterials and Applications,

Alexander B. Tesler, Stefan Kolle, Lucia H. Prado, Ingo Thievessen, David Böhringer, Matilda Backholm, Karunakaran Bhuvaneshwari, Heikki Nurmi, Mika Latikka, Lena Fischer, Shane Stafslien, Zoran Cenev, Jaakko V.I. Timonen, Mark Bruns, Ulrich Lohbauer, Sannakaisa Virtanen, Robin H.A. Ras, Ben Fabry, Patrik Schmuki, Joanna Aizenberg, Wolfgang H. Goldmann, “Long-term stability of aerophilic metallic surfaces underwater,” 2023, Nature Materials,

Gregory Sachan, Patrik Schürch, Wabe W. Koelmans, Edgar Hepp, Lyndsi Vanderwal, Shane Stafslien, Roger J. Narayan, “Antimicrobial evaluation of metal microneedles made by local electrodeposition-based additive manufacturing on metal-coated substrates,” 2023, JOM,



A. Rahimi, M. Murphy, K. Faiyaz, S.J. Stafslien, L. Vanderwal, M. Pade, J.A. Finlay, A.S. Clare, D.C. Webster, “Amphiphilic marine coating systems of self-stratified PDMS-PEG surfaces with an epoxy-polyurethane matrix,” JCTR, 2022,

P. Mulinti, D. Diekjurgen, K. Kurtzeborn, N. Balasubramanian, L. Vanderwal, S.J. Stafslien, D.W. Grainger, A.E. Brooks, “A Recombinant Heparin-Binding Major Ampullate Spidroin 2 (MaSp2) Silk Protein,” Bioengineering, 2022, 9, 46.

Kai-Hung Yang, Parand Riley, Keith B. Rodenhausen, Shelby A. Skoog, Shane J. Stafslien, Lyndsi Vanderwal, Roger J, Narayan, “Antifungal Behavior of Silicon-incorporated Diamond-like Carbon by Tuning Surface Hydrophobicity with Plasma Treatment,” International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2022, DOI: 10.1111/ijac.14048.

Stefan Kolle, Amos Meeks, Onyemaechi Ahanotu, Shane Stafslien, Michael Kreder, Lyndsi Vanderwal, James Weaver, Philseok Kim, Lucas Cohen, Grant Waltz, Lim Chin Sing, Dave Slocum, Elisa Maldonado, Kelli Hunsucker, Geoffrey Swain, Dean Wendt, Serena Teo and Joanna Aizenberg, “On the mechanism of marine fouling-prevention performance of oil-containing silicone elastomers: A comprehensive laboratory, field and theoretical study,” Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 11799.

Teluka P. Galhenage, Shane J. Stafslien, Allen Skaja, Dean C. Webster, “Durable Siloxane-Polyurethane Coatings for Mitigating Freshwater Mussel Fouling,” 2022, Biofouling, 38:3, 260-270, DOI: 10.1080/08(927) 014-2022.2056033.

S. A. Machekposhti, A.K. Nguyen, Lyndsi Vanderwal, Shane Stafslien, R.J. Narayan, “Micromolding of Amphotericin B-Loaded Methoxyethylene-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer Microneedles,” Pharmaceutics, 2022, 14(8): 1551.

Joseph Dahlgren, Lauren Foy, Kelli Hunsucker, Harrison Gardner, Geoff Swain, Shane J. Stafslien, Lyndsi Vanderwal, James Bahr, Dean C. Webster, “Grooming of fouling-release coatings to control marine fouling and determining how grooming affects the surface,” Biofouling, 2022, 38:4, 384-400, DOI: 10.1080/08(927) 014-2022.2084389.

Benda, Jackson; Narikiyo, Hayato; Stafslien, Shane; VanderWal, Lyndsi; Finlay, John; Aldred, Nick; Clare, Anthony S.; Webster, Dean, “Studying the effect of pre-polymer composition and incorporation of surface modifying amphiphilic additives on the fouling-release performance of amphiphilic siloxane-polyurethane coatings," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 32, 37229–37247.



V. Vignesh, T.H. Ha Nguyen, L. Vanderwal, S. Stafslien, A. Brennan, “Tough amphiphilic antifouling hydrogel coating based on acrylamide, fluoromethacrylate and non-isocyanate urethane dimethacylate crosslinker,” Biofouling, 2021, 37, 36–48; DOI: 10.1080/08(927) 014-2020.1870110.

C. Kuliasha, R.L. Fedderwitz, S.J. Stafslien, J.A. Finlay, A.S. Clare, A. Brennan, “Antibiofouling Properties of Poly(dimethyl siloxane) with RAFT Photopolymerized Acrylate/Methacrylate Surface Grafts Against Model Marine Organisms,” Biofouling, 2021, doi: 10.1080/08(927) 014-2021.1875216.

V. Vignesh, S. Stafslien, M. Evans, K. Wise, A. Marmo, M. Tonks, A. Brennan, “Comparative analysis of two isocyanate-free urethane-based hydrogels for antifouling applications,” Biofouling, 2021,

Rahimi, AliReza; Stafslien, Shane; VanderWal, Lyndsi; Bahr, James; Safaripour, Maryam; Finlay, John; Clare, Anthony; Webster, Dean, “Critical amphiphilic concentration: Effect of the extent of amphiphilicity on marine fouling-release performance,” Langmuir, 2021, 37, 2728-2739.

S. A. Machekposhti, B. Zhang, R. Sachan, L. Vanderwal, S. J. Stafslien, R. J. Narayan, “Patterned surfaces with the controllable drug doses using inkjet printing,” Journal of Materials Research, 2021, DOI:10.1557/s43(578) 021-00135-3.

J. Benda, S. Stafslien, L. Vanderwal, J.A. Finlay, A.S. Clare, D.C. Webster, “Surface modifying amphiphilic additives and their effect on fouling-release performance in siloxane-polyurethane coatings,” Biofouling, 2021, 37 (3), 309-326,



A. Vena, S. Kolle, S. Stafslien, J. Aizenberg, P. Kim, “Self-Stratifying Porous Silicones with Enhanced Liquid Infusion and Protective Skin Layer for Biofouling Prevention,” Adv. Mat. Inter., 2020,

A. Rahimi, S.J. Stafslien, L. Vanderwal, J.A. Finlay, A.S. Clare, D.C. Webster, “Amphiphilic zwitterionic-PDMS-based surface-modifying additives to tune fouling-release of siloxane-polyurethane marine coatings,” Prog. Org. Coat., 2020, 149(1):105931. 



B.K. Ngo, K. Lim, S. Stafslien, M. Grunlan, “Stability of silicones modified with PEO-silane amphiphiles: Impact of structure and concentration,” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2019, 163, 136-142.

B. Eslami, P. Irajizad, P. Jafari, M. Nazari, A. Masoudi, V. Kashyap, S. Stafslien, H. Ghasemi, “Stress-localized durable anti-biofouling surfaces,” Soft Materials, 2019, 15, 6014-6026.



R. Chitemere, S. Stafslien, L. Jiang, D. Webster, M. Quadir, “Soy-based soft matrices for encapsulation and delivery of hydrophilic compounds,” Polymers, 2018, 10, 583, 1-13.

R. Chitemere, S. Stafslien, B. Rasulev, D. Webster, M. Quadir, “Soysome: A surfactant-free, fully biobased, self-assembled platform for nanoscale drug delivery applications,” ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2018, 1, 1830-1841.



M.A. Rufin, B.K.D. Ngo, M.E. Barry, V.M. Page, M.L. Hawkins, S.J. Stafslien, M.A. Grunlan, “Anti-fouling silicones based on surface-modifying additive (SMA) amphiphiles,” Green Materials, 2017, 5(1), 1-10.

C. Kuliasha, J. Finlay, S. Franco, A. Clare, S. Stafslien, A. Brennan, “Marine antifouling efficacy of amphiphilic poly(coacrylate) grafted PDMSe: effect of graft molecular weight,” Biofouling, 2017, 33(3), 252-267.

B. Rasulev, F. Jabeen, S. Stafslien, B.J. Chisholm, J. Bahr, M. Ossowski, Philip Boudjouk, “Polymer coating materials and their fouling release activity:  A cheminformatics approach to predict properties,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 1781-1792.

T.P. Galhenage, D.C. Webster, A.M.S. Moreira, R.J. Burgett, S.J. Stafslien, L. Vanderwal, J.A. Finlay, S.C. Franco, A.S. Clare, “Poly(ethylene) glycol-modified, amphiphilic, siloxane-polyurethane coatings and their performance as fouling-release surfaces,” J. Coat. Tech. Res., 2017, 14(2), 307-322.

R. Sachan, P. Jaipan, J.Y. Zhang, S. Degan, D. Erdmann, J. Tedesco, L. Vanderwal, S.J. Stafslien, I. Negut, A. Visan, G. Dorcioman, G. Socol, R. Cristescu, D.B. Chrisey, R.J Narayan, “Printing amphotericin B on microneedles using matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation,” International Journal of Bioprinting, 2017, 3(2).

M.L. Hawkins, S.S. Schott, B. Grigoryan, M.A. Rufin, B.K.D Ngo, L. Vanderwal, S.J. Stafslien, M. Grunlan, “Anti-protein and anti-bacterial behavior of amphiphilic silicones,” Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 5239-5251.



R.D. Boehm, P. Jaipan, S.A. Skoog, S. Stafslien, L. Vanderwal, R.J. Narayan, “Inkjet deposition of itraconazole onto poly(glycolic acid) microneedle arrays,” Biointerphases, 2016, DOI: 10.1116/1.4941448.

S.J. Stafslien, S. Sommer, D.C. Webster, R. Bodkhe, R. Pieper, J. Daniels, L. VanderWal, R. David, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, E. Ralston, G. Swain, L. Brewer, D. Wendt, G. Dickinson, S. Teo, “Comparison of laboratory and field testing performance evaluations of siloxane-polyurethane fouling-release marine coatings,” Biofouling, 2016, 32, 949-968.

T. Galhenage, D. Hoffman, S. Silbert, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, T. Miljkovic, J. Finlay, S. Franco, A. Clare, B. Nedved, M. Hadfield, D. Wendt, G. Waltz, L. Brewer, S. Teo, C.S. Lim and D. Webster, “Fouling-release performance of silicone-oil modified siloxane-polyurethane coatings,” ACS Appl. Mat. & Int., 2016, 8, 29025-29036.



R.B. Bodkhe, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, N. Cilz, A.J. Muelhberg, S.E.M Thompson, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, D.C. Webster, “Zwitterionic Siloxane-Polyurethane Fouling-Release Coatings,” Prog. Org. Coat., 2015, 78, 369-380.

S.J. Stafslien, D. Christianson, J. Daniels, L VanderWal, A. Chernykh, B.J. Chisholm, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings XVI:  Fouling-release properties of amphiphilic polysiloxane coatings,” Biofouling, 2015, 31, 135-149.

R.D. Boehm, J. Daniels, S. Stafslien, A. Nasir, J. Lefebvre, R.J. Narayan, “Polyglycolic acid microneedles modified with inkjet-deposited antifungal coatings,” Biointerphases, 2015, 10, 011004.

M.R., Hibbs, B.A. Hernandez-Sanchez, J. Daniels, S.J. Stafslien, “Polysulfone and polyacrylate-based zwitterionic coatings for the prevention and easy removal of marine biofouling,” Biofouling, 2015, 31(7), 613-624.



R.D. Boehm, P.R. Miller, J. Daniels, S. Stafslien, R.J. Narayan, “Inkjet printing for pharmaceutical applications,” Materials Today, 2014, 17(5), 247-252.

M. Irsfeld, B.M. Pruess, S.J. Stafslien, “Screening the mechanical stability of Escherichia coli biofilms through exposure to external, hydrodynamic shear forces,” Journal of Basic Microbiol., 2014, 54, 1-7.

M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, S. Conlan, A.S. Clare, S. Stafslien, “Efficacy testing of non-biocidal and fouling-release coatings,” In: S. Dobretsov, J.C. Thomason, D. Williams, editors.  Biofouling  Methods.  Wiley Blackwell; 2014, October, 291-316.



Y. Liu, C. Leng, B. Chisholm, S. Stafslien, P. Majumdar, Z. Chen, “Surface structures of PDMS incorporated with quaternary ammonium salts designed for antibiofouling and fouling release applications,” Langmuir, 2013, 29(9), 2897-2905.



R.B. Bodke, S.E. Thompson, C. Yehle, N. Cilz, J. Daniels, S.J. Stafslien, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, D.E. Webster, “The Effect of formulation variables on fouling-release performance of stratified siloxane-polyurethane coatings,” J. Coat. Tech. Res., 2012, 9(3), 2235-249.

A.J. Kugel, S.M. Ebert, S.J. Stafslien, I. Hevus, A. Kohut, A. Voronov, B.J. Chisholm, “Synthesis and characterization of novel antimicrobial polymers containing pendent triclosan moieties,” Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2012, 72, 69-76.

R.D. Boehm, P.R. Miller, R. Singh, A. Shah, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, R. Narayan, “Indirect rapid prototyping of antibacterial acid anhydride copolymer microneedles,” Biofabrication, 2012, 4, 1-9.

S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, J. Bahr, B. Chisholm, A. Ekin, D. Webster, B. Orihuela, D. Rittschof, “An improved laboratory reattachment method for the rapid assessment of barnacle adhesion strength to fouling-release marine coatings,” J. Coat. Tech. Res., 2012, 9(6), 651-665.

D. Feng, D. Rittschof, B. Orihuela, K.W.H. Kwok, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, “The effects of model polysiloxane and fouling-release coatings on embryonic development of sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) and a fish (Oryzias latipes),” Aquatic toxicology, 2012, 110-111, 162-169.

S.A. Skoog, M.R. Bayati, P.E. Petrochenko, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, N. Cilz, D.J. Comstock, J.W. Elam, R.J. Narayan, “Antibacterial activity of zinc oxide-coated nanoporous alumina,” Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 2012, 117(12), 992-998.

A. Sokolova, N. Cilz, J. Daniels, S.J. Stafslien, L. Brewer, D.E. Wendt, F.V. Bright and M.R. Detty, “A comparison of antifouling/foul-release characteristics of non-biocidal xerogel and commercial coatings toward micro- and macrofouling organisms,” Biofouling, 2012, 28, 511-523.

R. Bodkhe, S.J. Stafslien, N. Cilz, J. Daniels, S.E. Thompson, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, D.C. Webster, “Polyurethanes with amphiphilic surfaces made using telechelic functional PDMS having orthogonal acid functional groups,” Prog. Org. Coat., 2012, 75(1-2), 38-48.

I. Hevus, A. Modgil, J. Daniels, A. Kohut, C. Sun, S. Stafslien, A. Voronov, “Invertible micellar polymer assemblies for delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs,” Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13, 2537-2545.



D. Rittschof, B. Orihuela, T. Harder, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, G. Dickinson, “Compounds from silicones alter enzyme activity in curing barnacle glue and model enzymes,” PLoS One, 2011, 6(2), e16487.

P. Majumdar, E. Crowley, M. Htet, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, L. VanderWal, B.J. Chisholm, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings XV:  An investigation of polysiloxane anti-fouling/fouling-release coatings containing tethered quaternary ammonium salt groups,” ACS Combinatorial Science, 2011, 13(3), 289-309.

S.J. Stafslien, J. Bahr, J. Daniels, D.A. Christianson, B.J. Chisholm, “High-Throughput Screening of Fouling-Release Properties:  An Overview,” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2011, 25(17), 2239-2253.

A. Kohut, L. Sieburg, S. Vasylyev, O. Kudina, I. Hevus, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, V. Kislenko, A. Voronov, “Amphiphilic invertible polymers (AIPs).  Micellization and self-assembly in aqueous solutions,” In: , editors.  Amphiphiles:  Molecular Assembly and Applications.  ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1070, 2011, 205-224.

A. Kugel, S. Stafslien, B.J. Chisholm, “Antimicrobial coatings produced by “tethering” biocides to the coating matrix: A comprehensive review,” Progress of Organic Coatings, 2011, 72(3), 222-252.

S.A. Sommer, J.R. Byrom, H.D. Fischer, R.B. Bodkhe, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, C. Yehle, D.C. Webster, “Effects of pigmentation on siloxane-polyurethane coatings and their performance as fouling-release marine coatings,” J. Coat. Tech. Res., 2011, 8(6), 661-670.



S.D. Gittard, A. Ovsianikov, H. Akar, B. Chichkov, N.A. Monteiro-Riviere, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, C.C. Shih, C.M. Shih, S.J. Lin, Y.Y. Su, R.J. Narayan, “Two photon polymerization-micromolding of polyethylene glycol-gentamicin sulfate microneedles,” Advanced Biomaterials, 2010, 2, B77-B82.

A. Kugel, B. Chisholm, S. Ebert, M. Jepperson, L. Jarabek, S. Stafslien, “Antimicrobial polysiloxane polymers and coatings containing pendant levofloxacin,” Polymer Chemistry, 2010,  1, 442-452.

Z. Chen, B.J. Chisholm, S. Stafslien, J. He, S. Patel, “Novel, UV-curable coatings containing a tethered biocide:  Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity,” J. Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2010, 95A(2), 486-494..

B.M. Pruess, K. Verma, S. Kumar, J. Wu, P. Sule, P. Samanta, S.M. Horne, D. Christianson, S.J. Stafslien, A.J. Wolfe, A. Denton, “Acetate metabolism in a sensor of environmental conditions during Escherichia coli K-12 biofilm development,” Archives of Microbiology, 2010, 192, 715-728.

S. Ye, P. Majumdar, B. Chisholm, S. Stafslien, Z. Chen, “Antimicrobial mechanism of tethered quaternary ammonium salts in a cross-linked poy(dimethylsiloxane) matrix studied using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy,” Langmuir, 2010, 26(21), 16455-16462.

R. Narayan, S.P. Adiga, M.J. Pellin, L.A. Curtiss, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, C.C. Shih, C.M. Shih, S.J. Lin, Y.Y. Su, C. Jin, J. Zhang, N.A. Monteiro-Riviere, J.W. Elam, “Atomic layer deposition-based functionalization of materials for medical and environmental health applications,” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2010, 368, 2033-2064

P. Majumdar, J. He, E. Lee, A. Kallam, N. Gubbins, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B.J. Chisholm, “Antimicrobial activity of polysiloxane coatings containing quaternary ammonium-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane,” JCT-Res, 2010, 7(4), 455-467.

R. J. Narayan, S. P. Adiga, M.J. Pellin, L.A. Curtiss, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, N.A. Monteiro-Riviere, R.L. Brigmon, J.W. Elam, “Atomic layer deposition of nanoporous biomaterial,” Materials Today, 2010, 13(3), 60-64.

S. Sommer, A. Ekin, D.C. Webster, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, L. VanderWal, S.E.M. Thompson, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, “A preliminary study on the properties and fouling-release performance of siloxane-polyurethane coatings prepared from poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) macromers,” Biofouling, 2010, 26(8), 961-972.



D. Webster, B.J. Chisholm, S. Stafslien, "High throughput methods for the design of fouling control coatings,” In: C. Helio, D. Meseguer, editors.  Advances in marine antifouling coatings and technologies.  Woodhead Publishing; 2009, 365-392.

S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, P. Majumdar, J. Bahr, J. Daniels, “High-throughput microbial biofilm assay for the rapid discovery of antimicrobial coatings and materials for biomedical applications,” Ceramic Transactions (Advances in Biomedical and Biomimetic Materials), 2009, 206, 151-158.

P. Majumdar, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, E. Lee, N. Patel, N. Gubbins, C.J. Thorson, B.J. Chisholm, “Polysiloxane coatings containing tethered antimicrobial moieties,” Ceramic Transactions (Advances in Biomedical and Biomimetic Materials), 2009, 206, 143-149.

A. Kugel, L.E. Jarabek, J.W. Daniels, L.J. Vander Wal, S.M. Ebert, M.J. Jepperson, S.J. Stafslien, R.J. Pieper, D.C. Webster, B.J. Chisholm, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings XII:  Novel, environmentally-friendly antimicrobial coatings derived from biocide-functional acrylic polyols and isocyanates,” JCT-Res, 2009, 6(1), 107-121 .

P. Majumdar, E. Lee, N. Gubbins, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, C.J. Thorson, B.J. Chisholm, “Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of quaternary ammonium-functionalized POSS (Q-POSS) and polysiloxane coatings containing Q-POSS,” Polymer, 2009, 50, 1124-1133.

R. Cristescu, I.N. Mihialescu, I. Stamatin, A. Doraiswamy, R.J. Narayan, G. Westwood, J.J. Wilker, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, D.B. Chrisey, “Thin films of polymer mimics of cross-linking mussel adhesive proteins deposited by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation,” Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255, 5496-5498.

P. Majumdar, E. Lee, N. Gubbins, D.A. Christianson, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, L. VanderWal, J. Bahr, B. Chisholm, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings XIII:  An investigation of polysiloxane antimicrobial coatings containing tethered quaternary ammonium salt groups,” J Combi. Chem., 2009, 11, 1115-1127.

S.D. Gittard, R.J. Narayan, C. Jin, A. Ovsianikov, B.N. Chichkov, N.A. Monteiro-Riviere, S. Stafslien, B. Chisholm, “Pulsed laser deposition of antimicrobial silver coating on Ormocer microneedles,” Biofabrication, 2009, 1(4), 041001/1-041001/5.

B.J. Chisholm, D.A. Christianson, S.J. Stafslien, C. Gallagher-Lein, J. Daniels, “Novel, environmentally friendly, antifouling/fouling release coatings developed using combinatorial methods,” ACS Symposium Series, 2009, 1002 (Smart Coatings II), 127-141.



D. Rittschof, B. Orihuela, S. Stafslien,  J. Daniels, B. Chisholm, D. Christianson, E. Holm, “Barnacle reattachment: a tool for studying barnacle adhesion,” Biofouling, 2008, 24(1), 1-9.

P. Majumdar, E. Lee, N. Patel, K. Ward, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B. Chisholm, P. Boudjouk, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, S.E.M. Thompson, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings IX:  An investigation of novel anti-fouling/fouling-release coatings containing quaternary ammonium salt groups,” Biofouling, 2008, 24(3), 185-200.

Z. Chen, B. Chisholm, J. Kim, S. Stafslien, R. Wagner, S. Patel, J. Daniels, L. VanderWal, J. Li, K. Ward, M. Callow, S. Thompson, C. Siripirom "UV-curable, oxetane-toughened epoxy-siloxane coatings for marine fouling-release coating applications,” Polymer Intl., 2008, 57, 879-886. 

S. Ye, A. McClelland, P. Majumdar, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B. Chisholm, Z. Chen, “Detection of tethered biocide moiety segregation to silicone surface using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy,” Langmuir, 2008, 24 (17), 9686-9694.

E. Ribeiro, S.J. Stafslien, F. Cassé, J.A. Callow, M.E. Callow, R.J. Pieper, J.W. Daniels, J.A. Bahr, D.C. Webster, “Automated image-based method for laboratory screening of coating libraries for adhesion of algae and bacterial biofilms,” J. Combi. Chem., 2008, 10(4), 586-594.

J. Kim, E. Nyren-Erickson, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, J. Bahr, B. Chisholm, “Release characteristics of reattached barnacles to non-toxic silicone coatings,” Biofouling, 2008, 24(4), 313-319.

P. Majumdar, E. Lee, N. Patel, S.J. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B.J. Chisholm, “Development of nvironmentally-friendly, anti-fouling coatings based on tethered quaternary ammonium salts in a crosslinked polydimethylsiloxane matrix,” JCT-Res, 2008, 5(4), 405-417.

B.J. Chisholm, S.J. Stafslien, P. Majumdar, D. Webster, “Fast-moving solutions: automated processes speed up development of marine antifouling coatings,” European Coatings Journal, 2008, 11, 32-37.



S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B. Chisholm, D. Christianson, “Combinatorial Materials Research Applied to the Development of New Surface Coatings III:  Utilization of a High-Throughput Multiwell Plate Screening Method to Rapidly Assess Bacterial Biofilm Retention on Antifouling Surfaces,” Biofouling, 2007, 23(1), 37-44.            

S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, B. Mayo, D. Christianson, B. Chisholm, A. Ekin, D. Webster, G. Swain, “Combinatorial Materials Research Applied to the Development of New Surface Coatings IV:  A High-Throughput Bacterial Biofilm Retention and Retraction Assay for Screening Fouling-Release Performance of Coatings,” Biofouling, 2007, 23(1), 45-54.

F. Casse, S. Stafslien, J. Bahr, J. Daniels, J. Finlay, J. Callow, M. Callow, “Combinatorial Materials Research Applied to the Development of New Surface Coatings V:  Application of a spinning water-jet for the semi-high throughput assessment of attachment strength of marine fouling algae,” Biofouling, 2007, 23(2), 121-130.

S. J. Stafslien, J.A. Bahr, J.W. Daniels, L. Vander Wal, J. Nevins, J. Smith, K. Schiele, B. Chisholm, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings VI:  An automated spinning water jet apparatus for the high-throughput characterization of fouling-release marine coatings,” Review of Scientific Instrum., 2007, 78(7), 072204.

A. Doraiswamy, C. Dinu, R. Cristescu, P.B. Messersmith, B.J. Chisholm, S.J. Stafslien, D.B. Chrisey, R.J. Narayan, “Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation of DOPA-modified poly(ethylene glycol) thin films,” J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 2007, 21(3-4), 287-299.

A. Ekin, D.C. Webster, J.W. Daniels, S.J. Stafslien, F. Casse, J.A. Callow, M.E. Callow, “Synthesis, formulation and characterization of siloxane-polyurethane coatings for underwater marine applications using combinatorial high-throughput experimentation,” JCT, 2007, 4(4), 435-451.

P. Majumdar, S. Stafslien, J. Daniels, D.C. Webster, “High-throughput combinatorial characterization of thermosetting siloxane-urethane coatings having spontaneously formed microtopographical surfaces,” JCT, 2007, 4(2), 131-138.

D.C.  Webster, B.J. Chisholm, S.J. Stafslien, “Combinatorial approaches for novel coatings design:  A mini-review,” Biofouling, 2007, 23(3), 179-192.

B.J. Chisholm, S.J. Stafslien, D.A. Christianson, C. Gallagher-Lein, J.W. Daniels, C. Rafferty, Lyndsi Vander Wal, D.C. Webster, “Combinatorial materials research applied to the development of new surface coatings VIII.  Overview of the high-throughput measurement systems developed for a marine coatings workflow,” Applied Surface Science, 2007, 254, 692-698.



S. J. Stafslien, J. A. Bahr, J. M. Feser, J. C. Weisz, B. J. Chisholm, T. E. Ready, and P Boudjouk, “Combinatorial Materials Research Applied to the Development of New Surface Coatings I: A Multiwell Plate Screening Method for the High-Throughput Assessment of Bacterial Biofilm Retention on Surfaces,” J. Comb. Chem., 2006, 8(2), 156-162.

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