Message to Parents

The Sonia Kovalevsky High School Day provides an opportunity for girls to visit the NDSU campus, meet faculty and professional women who use math in their careers, and other high school students who are interested in mathematics.

During the day, personnel from NDSU will take photographs of the workshops and activities.

At NDSU, we wish to continue organizing and advertising this highly valued program in order to inspire girls to continue their study of mathematics. We would like to use these photographs on advertising materials for future events, and post them on the Mathematics Department Website. Identifying information will NEVER be used to caption these photographs.

Please read the enclosed photo waiver form and have your child return it to her teacher as soon as possible. If you have questions about the project, please contact the organizers. Thank you for your support of mathematics enrichment through the Sonia Kovalevsky High School Day.

 Photo release form.

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