Algebra & Discrete Mathematics

Algebra & Discrete Mathematics research in the department includes commutative algebra and combinatorics.

Research Papers

Algebra & Discrete Mathematics Seminar

Organizer: Dr. Jessica Striker
Seminar Information

Jason Boynton

Associate Professor
Ph.D.: Florida Atlantic University, 2006
Office: Minard 408E20

Boynton studies commutative rings that do not necessarily enjoy the Noetherian property. In particular, he investigates Prüfer and coherent-like conditions in integer-valued polynomials and more general pullback constructions. Boynton also studies various factorization properties in integral domains.

Cătălin Ciupercă

Ph.D.: University of Kansas, 2001
Commutative Algebra
Office: Minard 408E26

Ciupercă's interests lie in the field of commutative algebra. The topics of his research are multiplicity theory, asymptotic properties of ideals, Rees algebras, Hilbert functions and integral closure of ideals.  

Torin Greenwood

Assistant Professor and Graduate Director
Ph.D.: University of Pennsylvania, 2015
Office: Minard 406G

Greenwood’s research involves combinatorics, probability, and mathematical biology.  Ongoing projects analyze RNA folding algorithms by using tools from discrete mathematics and analytic combinatorics. He is also interested in models of percolation from mathematical physics.

Janet Page

Assistant Professor
Ph.D.: University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Office: Minard 408E38

Page’s research is at the intersection of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, typically focused on singularities of algebraic varieties, especially in positive characteristic.  Algebraic objects with a rich combinatorial structure provide a natural testing ground for many questions in her research, and she is also interested in the interplay between algebra and combinatorics in these cases.

Tim Ryan

Assistant Professor
Ph.D.: University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016
Algebraic Geometry
Office: Minard 408E18

Ryan's research lies in the field of Algebraic Geometry.  Areas of particular interest are moduli spaces, birational geometry, higher codimensional cycles, and special varieties (in characteristic p).  This includes using methods from many areas including the minimal model program, representation theory, combinatorics, homological algebra, and commutative algebra.

Jessica Striker

Ph.D.: University of Minnesota, 2008
Office: Minard 406H

Striker studies enumerative, geometric, and dynamical algebraic combinatorics and is especially interested in connections to statistical physics. Combinatorial objects she investigates include: plane partitions, alternating sign matrices, posets, polytopes, and tableaux.

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