Research Papers
- Alfonseca-Cubero: MathSciNet ArXiV
- Çömez: MathSciNet
- Littmann: MathSciNet
Analysis and Geometry Seminar
Organizer: Dr. María Alfonseca-Cubero
Seminar Information
María de los Ángeles Alfonseca-Cubero
Ph.D.: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2003
Harmonic Analysis
Office: Minard 408E34
Alfonseca's research focuses on the study of the geometry of convex bodies on the Euclidean space, and their asymptotic behaviour as the dimension increases. Her work uses methods from Harmonic and Fourier analysis.
Doğan Çömez
Ph.D.: University of Toronto, 1983
Ergodic Theory
Office: Minard 408E24
Friedrich Littmann
Professor and Department Chair
Ph.D.: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003
Approximation Theory
Office: Minard 408 F
Phone: (701) 231-6956
Littmann's research focuses on approximation problems in complex analysis and applications in analytic number theory and signal processing. His work uses techniques from de Branges' theory of Hilbert spaces of entire functions.