Programs, Activities, and Services

The Office of Multicultural Programs strives to support students from admittance to graduation through recruitment, retention, and outreach programs. Recruitment is done through high school, community college and career fair visits in collaboration with NDSU Admissions. Once a student is admitted, our services expand to aid in the retention of the student and successful completion of a college degree. These services include monitoring student academic progress, and referring students to various resources for academic support services. Our office also serves as space for students to gather, share experiences, build community, and form study groups to develop a sense of belonging.

The Office of Multicultural Programs hosts workshops on various topics, such as study skills and time management, to help participants adjust to the rigors of college life. In collaboration with the Counseling Center, we facilitate a support group called Diversity, Solidarity, and Empowerment (DSE). The DSE group meets weekly in our space. We also celebrate national heritage months with cultural events, so the entire campus community has the opportunity to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Our programs, activities, and services allow students to share and celebrate their culture, as well as make connections with students who share a similar background or who aim to grow in cultural awareness.

 Students who self-identify as multicultural in their student records will be added to a Listserv that assists our outreach to multicultural students enrolled at NDSU.  News of upcoming activities and programs sponsored by our department, as well as services and workshops offered, will reach students through the multicultural Listserv on Outlook. If you are not receiving emails, please be sure to contact us at (701) 231-1029, or at at, to be included.

Study Center

The Office of Multicultural Programs features a student study area furnished with seating for study groups, as well as two computers that have access to the One Stop printer for students to use.  The Study Center is located inside of our office space in the Memorial Union, Room 178, and is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 summer).

Job Opportunity for an on campus summer camp

See Link below for more information about the summer job opportunity with EPSCoR.  

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