Fargo, N.D. – Donna Grandbois, assistant professor of nursing at NDSU, and Gregory Sanders, associate dean for the College of Human Development and Education, had their manuscript, “Resilience and stereotyping: the experience of Native American Elders,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing. It is expected to appear in the October 2012 issue.
Grandbois also has been invited to be part of the Journal of Transcultural Nursing’s Panel of Peer Reviewers. She was recommended as an expert qualitative reviewer by senior editor Joyceen Boyle, co-author of the textbook, “Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care.” Additionally, Grandbois and Bonnie Selzler, from the College of Nursing at the University of North Dakota, had their paper, “Best Practices for Psychological Support of Communities After a Disaster,” published in the International Journal of Safety and Security
Engineering: Disaster Management and Human Health Risk II.