Registration open for STEM-focused youth summer camps

The NDSU College of Engineering is offering its annual summer enrichment experience for third through eighth grade students. Registration is open for a series of STEM Kids 2015 camps, with the first scheduled to begin June 15. The final session concludes Aug. 6. 

The purpose of STEM Kids is to stimulate children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and math, commonly known as STEM, through exploration of topics not usually covered in their regular school classes. The 14 session topics range from robotics, renewable energy and crime scene science to rockets, electricity and aerospace.

Each hands-on session is one week long and taught by qualified instructors. The sessions are held 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day on the NDSU campus.

Registration is $79 per course plus a one-time $10 registration fee. Fees include a daily snack and STEM Kids T-shirt.

A limited number of scholarships are available based on need. for application information.

For more information about STEM Kids and to sign up, visit

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