Rian Lee, research specialist in bean genetics and molecular genetics, received the Technical Merit Award presented by the Bean Improvement Cooperative....

The NDSU plant sciences department is set to host a yard and garden open house to share information with the public regarding flowers, edibles, trees and lawns....

Kelly A. Rusch, vice president for research and creative activity, announced Jolynne Tschetter, executive director of corporate and foundation research relations in Research and Creative Activity…

Kelly Sassi, associate professor with a joint appointment in the English department and the School of Education, and Denise Lajimodiere, assistant professor in the School of Education, co-facilitated…

The NDSU Extension Service and several other organizations have teamed up with the Red River Zoo in Fargo for the first Agriculture Adventure Day...

Two groups have awarded $11,078 in funding to two NDSU faculty members in the School of Pharmacy for a program to assist in prevention of opioid abuse....

The NDSU School of Nursing has received a federal grant award that allows NDSU Nursing to enhance its partnerships in rural areas to educate and prepare family nurse practitioners....

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust has awarded NDSU a $1.16 million grant for the "American Indian Public Health Institute and Sustainability Project."...

Four NDSU Department of Plant Sciences faculty spent two weeks in China in early May. Bingcan Chen, Elias Elias, Richard Horsley and Paul Schwarz visited three universities, presented five seminars...

Mike Krush, associate professor of marketing and director of the NDSU Center for Professional Selling and Sales Technology, was quoted in a new Wallethub.com story...

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