Several faculty and students from the NDSU College of Human Development and Education had recent publications, presentations or were awarded grants. 

Erika Offerdahl and Lisa Montplaisir, associate…

Darwin Day events at NDSU will feature an expert in geology and paleontology, who will discuss how ancient marine life evolved as predators and prey. 

Lydia Tackett, NDSU assistant professor of geo…

Allison Peltier, a graduate student in advanced nursing practice, delivered the top presentation in North Dakota State University’s first Three Minute Thesis Competition hosted today by the Graduate…

Three NDSU’s research laboratories are scheduled to host concurrent open house sessions Tuesday, Feb. 3, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Everyone is invited to tour the labs, watch demonstrations of key …

Completing archaeological and cultural land surveys quickly is key to developers, and doing them thoroughly is crucial to preservationists. But assessments take time. Sometimes lots of it.

The time…

More than a dozen NDSU undergraduate students and faculty advisors shared results of their research projects at NDSU Undergraduate Research Day held at the State Capitol in Bismarck on Jan. 27 at an…

People are living longer and want to know how to live better.

A group of four NDSU graduate students recently took the latest research on healthy aging to residents at Bethany Retirement Living in…

Elliott Welker is the scientist who wants to be a beekeeper, and Garett Slater is the beekeeper who wants to be a scientist.

The NDSU students worked together to complete a difficult task: to develop…

North Dakota State University and Sanford Health will conduct collaborative research on human nutrition, weight management and other dietary-related areas as part of a seed-grant initiative developed…

Michael Krush, assistant professor of marketing at NDSU, co-wrote an article, “Dispersion of marketing capabilities: impact on marketing’s influence and business unit outcomes,” recently published in…

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