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School of Pharmacy


Distinguished scientist Eric Wong will present a research lecture on “Glioblastoma: Tumor Biology, Treatment and Diet” Thursday, Sept. 29, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in Sudro Hall room 26. The…

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Robert Sylvester, professor of pharmacy practice, was lead author of the article, “Evaluation of methadone absorption after topical administration to hospice patients,” which was selected for…

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Erin Nyren-Erickson, a doctoral student in pharmaceutical sciences, has received a pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education. The fellowship is awarded to…

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Loretta Heuer, professor of nursing, and Dean Gross, assistant professor of nursing, received a three-year Health Resources and Human Services Administration Advanced Education Grant Award in the…

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The FORWARD project and the Advocates group have selected nine faculty men to join the current group of Advocates. The newly appointed Advocates include Cristinel Ababei, assistant professor of…

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Kruttika Bhat, a doctoral student in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and cellular and molecular biology program, submitted an abstract titled “DHA Sensitizes Etoposide to Induce Apoptosis in…

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Erxi Wu, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, co-wrote the article, “Perspectives on the role of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer,” which has been accepted by…

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Several members of the pharmacy practice department attended and held prominent roles at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in San Antonio, July 10-13.

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Wendy Brown, associate professor of pharmacy practice, received the Outstanding Member Award by the Association of Asthma Educators at the association’s annual meeting July 23 in Denver.

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Pharmacy students Amber Altstadt and Jordan Wolf spent 10 days in Guatemala this summer as part of medical mission team.


The team, including two physicians, three medical students, a nurse and…

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North Dakota State University
Phone: +1 (701) 231-7456 / Fax: (701) 231-7606
Campus address: Sudro Hall 123
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Mailing address: NDSU Dept. 2650 / PO Box 6050 / Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Page manager: NDSU School of Pharmacy

Last Updated: Thursday, February 22, 2024 10:08:32 PM
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