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School of Pharmacy


NDSU Pharmacy provides transfer student options

Photo of NDSU Pharmacy student

Kaelyn Angell

Major: Pharmacy

Hometown: St. Cloud, Minnesota

Transferred from: St. Cloud State University

• Why did you choose NDSU?

I chose NDSU because it offered a program that allowed me to advance as a professional. NDSU is in a city where I felt I could thrive and I was equally as excited to live in Fargo as I was to begin my education at NDSU.

• Do you have any suggestions or advice for transfer students?

Utilize the advice of your program adviser to help you get on track in a new environment. In addition to developing a relationship with your adviser, do not be afraid to make connections with students in your classes. My most memorable college experiences have occurred because of my willingness to branch out and meet new people.

• What are your tips on how to adapt to NDSU?

Become comfortable with asking for help. I would often seek advice from other students, my adviser and faculty members to help myself find success at NDSU. Additionally, become involved with the community outside of school. Fargo is a community with many public events that provide excellent opportunities to meet others.

• Describe your transfer experience.

I had always desired to attend NDSU for my pharmacy degree, but chose to remain in my hometown for personal convenience. Once I began to map out the credits I needed to attend NDSU, I reached out to an adviser for my program. She was extremely helpful; I would not have had such a smooth transfer experience without her. Upon my acceptance to NDSU, I joined various Facebook pages to help find familiar faces that would be studying by my side. I felt like a valued student even though I had not been attending the university since my freshman year. NDSU’s faculty members welcome new students with open arms, no matter what the age.

• How have advisers, faculty and fellow students helped with your transition?

I can confidently say that advisers, faculty and fellow students have been positive influences on my transition to NDSU. I have always been met with kindness when interacting with these individuals. I’m thankful that I made the decision to transfer to NDSU, and I will forever be proud to say I attended this university.

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.

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North Dakota State University
Phone: +1 (701) 231-7456 / Fax: (701) 231-7606
Campus address: Sudro Hall 123
Physical/delivery address: 1401 Albrecht Boulevard, Fargo, ND 58102
Mailing address: NDSU Dept. 2650 / PO Box 6050 / Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Page manager: NDSU School of Pharmacy

Last Updated: Thursday, February 22, 2024 10:08:32 PM
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