Purchasing provides the University with professional technical assistance in procuring quality equipment, goods and services in specified commodity areas by following established state and institutional guidelines on the basis of competitive bids; assists campus in redistribution and disposal of excess/surplus property in compliance with all law and policies; provides campus with timely and cost effective mailing and shipping services.
- About
- Department Addresses
- Forms
- Guidelines - Suspension and Debarement
- Policies & Procedures
- Surplus Property
- Tax Exempt-Amazon
- Finance & Administration Departments
- Accounting
- Bookstore
- Budget Office
- Center for Child Development
- Customer Account Services
- Dining
- Facilities Management
- Grant and Contract Accounting
- Human Resources
- Memorial Union
- Payroll Services
- Purchasing
- Residence Life
- Student Loan Service Center
- University Police and Safety
- Vice President for Finance and Administation
- Wellness Center