Campus Connection Help for Administrative Staff
All instructors have the security to place/release advisor holds for their assigned advisees. Instructions for placing/releasing holds using the Faculty Center are detailed in the Faculty Holds & Service Indicators help page.
Placing Holds
- Go to: Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Manage Service Indicators
- Enter Student ID (or all or a portion of a student's Last Name or First Name), and click [Search]
- Click on the "Add Service Indicator" link
- Enter:
- Institution(if not already entered by default)
- Service Indicator Code
- Service Indicator Code Reason
- Start Term
- Start Date
- Use the magnifying glass icon to view available options if necessary
- Click [Save] when finished making changes
Note:Advisor-Probation Holds automatically will be placed on academically deficient students each semester. Advisors can release holds after meeting with the student regarding registration plans and strategies for success.
Releasing Holds
- Go to: Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Manage Service Indicators
- Enter Student ID (or all or a portion of a student's Last Name or First Name), and click [Search]
- Active service indicators for that student will be listed
- Click on the link of the hold you wish to release (click the View All link in the "Service Indicator Summary" header bar if not all holds are visible)
- Click on the yellow [Release] button to release the hold
- Click [OK] when asked "Are you sure you want to release this Service Indicator?"
Note: Users are only authorized to release holds assigned to their specific user security in Campus Connection.
Service Indicator Symbols and Descriptions
- Holds or Negative Service Indicators are indicated with a red prohibit symbol [
], which appears on many screens for students with holds placed on their accounts. Holds may be placed and resolved by Registration and Records, Advisors, Customer Account Services, Student Financial Services, Student Health, Admission, Graduate School, International Programs, etc. Some negative indicators are merely warnings or notices to students and do not necessarily prevent registration activity. If registration is blocked due to a hold, that will be indicated in the hold description along with the office or individual to be contacted for resolution. Click on the hold symbol for more details.
- Positive Service Indicators are indicated with a red star [
] across student screens. Positive service indicators generally mean that the student has a FERPA Consent to Release form on file with the University. Click on the star icon for more details about which individuals are authorized to receive non-directory information about the student, as well as the security password questions/answers to ask in order to validate authorized third parties requesting information. Note: When possible, it is best to work directly with the student and/or to receive a written request from an authorized third party before releasing non-directory information.
- FERPA Directory Restrictions are indicated with a blue window shade [
] which appears when a student has requested to restrict or suppress directory information from third-party release. Click on the shade icon for more details to learn what types of designated directory and non-directory information may not be released to any third party.