NDSU 2018 template documentation is available in the CMS knowledge base [2018 template] (new window).

Border column is not used in NDSU 2018 template. Using the FOR MIGRATION - Left Navigation template layout, contents in the Border column will visibly display after the NORMAL column's contents. Contents in the Border column do not display in the other NDSU 2018 template layouts. You can position the contents visually to the right of the "main" contents using a grid container (new window).

Left/navigation column elements, if any, will not appear in the page at all. The left column was an uncommonly-used method to "override" page navigation.

Right column contents did not render in the page in the old template; however, they are listed here in case you have anything in that position nonetheless.

This "report" is a reflection of the Live pages under www.ndsu.edu/studentactivities. Workspace versions are not considered by this report. This means if you have deleted or hidden a content element from the Border column but have not published that change, this report will indicate the page has a content element in the Border column. Likewise, if you have drafted a new content element or unhidden a previously-published as hidden element in the Border column, it will not be reflected in this report.

The following list shows published, not-hidden, pages below www.ndsu.edu/studentactivities. Because this list was generated outside of TYPO3, there may be some omitted pages, so you should verify with the TYPO3 backend Pagetree (the authoritative source) that you don't miss any pages in your review.

NNNN is the page ID. Clicking the page ID link will display the workspace version of the page (if you are logged in to CMS in the workspace where www.ndsu.edu/studentactivities is managed). If the page ID is not a link, it's because the page type is either a shortcut or external page link so it doesn't contain any content.

Pagetitle is a link to the live version of the page. If the page title is not linked, it either is a) not available under www.ndsu.edu (i.e., a disabled page) or the page isn't yet assigned a URL slug (edit the page and regnerate the URL segment if it should have a URL).

When you're ready to "go live" with the 2018 template, you should email your request to the help desk.

Subject: NDSU 2018 Template go-live
Body: www.ndsu.edu/studentactivities is ready to go live with the NDSU 2018 template. Please publish (just the template OR the entire studentactivities_draft workspace) for us (as soon as able OR on DATE (morning OR afternoon)).

130920 - Student Activities
  1. 180815 - Template Migration Info - * shortcut
  2. 168206 - COVID-19 Information (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  3. 139289 - Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals
  4. 130998 - About Student Activities (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  5. 131227 - Organizational Chart - * external link
  6. 131231 - Student Employment Opportunities (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  7. 134378 - Graduate Assistantships (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  8. Initiatives
  9. 131000 - Campus Attractions
    1. 202416 - Upcoming Events (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    2. 190628 - Contact Us (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  10. 131268 - Civic Engagement Programs
    1. 153464 - Upcoming Events (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    2. 131387 - Community Engagement Forum (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    3. 142405 - Constitution Day
    4. 149130 - 2019 Flood Fight (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    5. 131389 - Engagement Wall (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    6. 131391 - Poverty Simulations
    7. 137283 - Sarah Martinsen Award
    8. 131397 - Tapestry of Inclusion
      1. 137244 - Tapestry Photos 2018 (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
      2. 131399 - Past Inductees
    9. 131401 - Voting Information (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  11. 139610 - Club Sports
  12. 131002 - Fraternity & Sorority Life
    1. 203873 - Chapters
      1. 203955 - Order of Omega
    2. 204978 - Recruitment (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    3. 203953 - Philanthropy
    4. 204238 - Academics
    5. 203958 - Policies
    6. 131007 - Fraternities & Sororities - * external link
  13. 132131 - Leadership Programs
    1. 143637 - Emerging Leaders (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    2. 132136 - Community Leadership (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    3. 148328 - Summer Leadership Institute - * external link
  14. 142371 - myNDSU - * external link
  15. 132311 - Off-Campus Student Services (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    1. 132313 - Locker Rental
    2. 132315 - Computer Clusters and Wireless
  16. 148005 - Strengths Seminar * 1 border content(s) (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  17. 139612 - Student Organizations - * external link
  18. 131405 - Volunteer Network
    1. 204737 - General Volunteer Opportunities
    2. 190640 - Contact Us (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    3. 131409 - Upcoming Events - * external link
    4. 131407 - Bison Service Challenge (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    5. 149858 - Community Resource Guide (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  19. Resources
  20. 131027 - Resource Room
  21. 193248 - Campus Resource Map (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  22. 134757 - Leadership Lending Library (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  23. Staff Directory
  24. 130996 - Staff Directory
  25. 140225 - Graduate Assistant Directory
  26. 191762 - Student Employee Directory (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
  27. 130923 - Contact
  28. 130925 - News (this page is not available under www.ndsu.edu)
    1. 132157 - Common Content