Faculty Research Council

Consisting of members appointed by President Cook in Fall 2022, the Faculty Research Council will create priorities for a new, modest internal funding program that will result in proposals reviewed by the Council. These efforts will support President Cook’s priority of maintaining our Carnegie R1 classification and helping nurture a thriving and mature R1 research culture on campus.

The group will work with other campus stakeholders in creating a long-term overall vision for the council. Nominees were solicited from Deans, Faculty Senate, and other campus stakeholders.




Kyle Hackney

Heath, Nutrition, and Exercise SciencesHHS

Dan Hsu

Management and MarketingBUSINESS

Mila Kryjevskaia


Juan (Jen) Li

Computer ScienceENGINEERING

Zhibin Lin

Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering ENGINEERING

Pan Lu

Transportation, Logistics and FinanceBUSINESS

Phil McClean

Plant SciencesCAFSNR

Christi McGeorge

Human Development and Family ScienceHHS

Julie Pasche 

Plant PathologyCAFSNR

Mukund Sibi

Chemistry and BiochemistryCAS

Sathish Venkatachalem

Pharmaceutical SciencesHHS

Catherine Kingsley Westerman

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