Conflict of Interest

A Conflict of Interest is a divergence between an individual’s private interests and their professional obligations to the University such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual’s professional actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal gain, financial or otherwise. For example, conflicts of interests occur in situations in which personal considerations may compromise or appear to compromise a researcher’s professional judgment in conducting or reporting research.

The University Conflict of Interest Committee (COIC) is responsible for (a) reviewing conflict of interest disclosures, and (b) developing, approving, and monitoring  plans to manage or eliminate conflicts of interest.

Types of conflicts that should be reported:

Commitment – Commitment conflicts of interest arise when university employees’ involvements in outside activities substantially interfere with their primary commitments to the university: to teach, to conduct research and to meet related institutional obligations.

Financial – Financial conflicts of interest arise when university employees' involvements in outside business activities substantially interfere with their primary commitments to the university: to teach, to conduct research and to meet related institutional obligations.

Personal – Personal conflicts of interest arise when university employees' involvements in personal activities or relationships may impair their ability to act impartially and substantially interfere with their primary commitments to the university: to teach, to conduct research and to meet related institutional obligations. These relationships may include spouses, siblings, relatives, friends or any other close personal relationships.


Disclosure process

Many federal and private funding agencies (including the NIH, NSF, DOE, and other agencies and foundations that follow Public Health Service COI disclosure requirements) require potential financial and other conflicts-of-interests to be disclosed to the investigator’s institution prior to submitting a grant application.  Therefore, if you are submitting a proposal to one of these agencies you will be prompted by Novelutionto complete your Annual Disclosure.  You may also be prompted to disclose if you have indicated that you have a potential financial or familial conflict within a proposal to any agency.

Annual Disclosure
PIs/Co-PIs and other Key Personnel on applicable grants or those with potential COIs complete the Annual Disclosure:  Disclosure includes:

  • Significant financial interests with may be related to the investigators institutional responsibilities
  • Outside professional activities related to your field, discipline or professional expertise
  • Equity interest in an external entity that does business in your field, or that conducts business with NDSU
  • Intellectual Property (IP) related to your field, discipline or professional expertise
  • Travel that was reimbursed or paid for an external entity (this does not include sponsored travel paid for through a grant or contract with NDSU)
  • Gifts of more than $150 from any company, entity, organization or individual with whom you have a potential or ongoing professional relationship
  • Supervisory Relationships of NDSU Employees or Students in outside activities related to your field, discipline, or professional expertise
  • Familial Relationships with current NDSU employees or students

Project Specific Disclosures
Upon notice of an applicable award, investigators who have disclosed a potential conflict are prompted to:

  • Verify if there have been any changes to items disclosed in the Annual Disclosure.
  • Indicate whether any of the activities, interests or relationships are related to the awarded project.

Training Requirements
PIs/Co-PIs and Key Personnel receiving applicable awards (NSF/NIH and other agencies following PHS guidelines) must have completed the CITI Conflict of Interest training module within the last four (4) years.


For more information, contact:

The Conflict of Interest Committee (COIC) office, Research and Creative Activity, (701)231-8995 or

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