Apartment 1701


Location: Corner of University and 17th Ave N

Featured amenities: High speed internet, 24 hour keycard secure entrances, security cameras, air conditioning, full kitchen, laundry on every floor, elevators, walk-in closets, large storage closet, study/community rooms, recreational rooms, tub/shower and walk-in shower options, and quartz counter tops and island. 

Note that NDSU Apartments are unfurnished. Island seating should be purchased at a standard table height. 

Unit Type and 2024/2025 Rates:
Rent includes: Internet, heat, water/sewer/garbage, electricity, video streaming

Apartment Type   # of Units  Cost/Unit  Max Capacity  Cost/Person   Size**
Studio5$640/month1 person$640/month425 sq ft        
One Bedroom37$815/month2 people$407.50/month625 sq ft
Two Bedroom44$1,120/month4 people$280/month915 sq ft

**Exact square footage varies slightly depending on floorplan. See below for floor plans.


360° Virtual Tours

Studio Floor Plan

One-bedroom Floor Plans

PDF download: Floor Plan by Unit Number

Two-bedroom Floor Plans

PDF download: Floor Plan by Unit Number


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