Health and Human Sciences Learning Community
The Health and Human Sciences Learning Community is a group of first-year students striving for careers that focus on overall wellbeing for the people they serve. Located in Thompson Hall, this co-ed community is located near academic buildings which provide quick access to academic spaces, classes, advisors, and activities. Students in this learning community network and build connections with upper-division students, advisors, and faculty.
The following programs are elgibile to participate in the learning community:
- Human Development & Family Science
- Social Work
- Medical Lab Sciences
- Nutrition Science
- Exercise Science
- Health Services
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
- Sport Management
- Radiological Sciences
- Respiratory Care
What to Expect:
- Ability to develop close-knit relationships and friend groups
- Develop a network of peers across interconnected careers
- Coordinate study groups with neighbors in the same classes
- Connect and network with college faculty and staff

- Complete your NDSU Housing Application (apps open October 1, 2024)
- Complete your Learning Community Application (apps open October 1, 2024)
- Increase your chances at acceptance by applying before the priority deadline of February 1, 2025! After that date, applications will be considered as space allows.
- You will be notified of your admittance or placement status via NDSU email by February 7, 2025.
Student Quotes:

Brooklyn B., Pharmacy
Living here gives you assurance that others around you have the same interests and goals as you. It is a great way to get to know others in your program.

Penny B., Pharmacy
I wanted to be surrounded by people with similar goals and interests as me. It is a great way to meet new people whom you know you will have something in common with.

Brookelyn S., Human Development & Family Science
The best part of living in the learning community is getting to know everyone on your floor and knowing you have people here to support you. It makes me feel like I belong at NDSU. And after the first few weeks, it feels like a big family.

Payton S., Nursing
Living in the community has also allowed me to focus on my academic success, helped with my social engagement, and has created a balanced environment where I can thrive academically and personally!
Community Events:
Monthly events in the Health and Human Sciences Learning Community are designed to be a fun way for students to build their academic network. Social events provide time and space for relationships to be built to directly and indirectly support the academic goals of learning community students. The fields within Health and Human Sciences are interconnected and having a network across the various fields strengthens students' ability to be successful in their academic and professional careers. This networking begins for first-year students in the learning community during week one!

Pumpkin Spice and Great Advice
Residents and their academic advisors enjoyed a night in with fall-season treats and one-on-one academic advising.

Bowling at Thundar's Den
Residents got to unwind and hang out at Thundar's Den during an event hosted by their learning community RA! Bowling was a great way to strike out worries from the semester (pun intended).

NDSU Thanksgiving Dinner
It's an NDSU tradition, that couldn't be missed! The learning community residents, ambassadors, and advisors all met for the annual NDSU Thanksgiving Meal at the dining center!