Anthony T. Flood

Professor of Philosophy
PhD 2003, University of Oklahoma
Telephone: 701-231-9631
422D Minard Hall
With its big questions and judicious methodology, Philosophy caught my attention as an undergraduate. I loved the wonder, critical spirit, and creative drive the field offered. As a result, I pursued it as a profession. Now, many years later, I get to keep pursuing the questions in my research and passing on what I have learned in my teaching. Students bring a fresh and hopeful energy to philosophical questioning and inquiry. I enjoy the atmosphere of the classroom and both being part of the intellectual cultivation of the students and learning new things from them.
- “Virtual Ordering and the Affectiones in Aquinas.” Nova et Vetera 20:1, Winter 2022: 179-204.
- “Aquinas on Contrition.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95:2, Spring 2021: 235-248.
- “COVID-19 Policy-Making in a Country Divided: Catholic Social Teaching as a Path to Unity.” with Paul Carson, NDSU, and Thomas McGovern. The Linacre Quarterly 87:4, 2020: 407-424.
- “Love of Self as the Condition for a Gift of Self in Aquinas.” Studia Gilsoniana 7:3, 2018: 409-425 (reprint of 2011 article).
- “Testimony and Moral Understanding.” Northern Plains Ethics Journal 5:1, Fall 2017: 23-28.
- “Catholic Social Teaching and the Duty to Vaccinate,” with Paul Carson, NDSU (PI). The American Journal of Bioethics 17:4, 2017, 1-8 (Target Article).
- “Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Catholic Social Teaching and the Duty to Vaccinate,” with Paul Carson, NDSU (PI) The American Journal of Bioethics, 17:4, 2017, W1-W3.
- “Aquinas on Self-Love and Love of God: The Foundations for Subjectivity and Its Perfection.” International Philosophical Quarterly 56:1, March 2016, 45-55.
- “Marriage as Friendship: Aquinas’s View in Light of His Account of Self-Love.” Nova et Vetera 13:2, 2015, 441-58.
- “What We Can Learn from the Medieval Rejection of Curiosity.” Northern Plains Ethics Journal 1:1, Fall 2013, 47-55.
- “Love of Self as the Condition for a Gift of Self in Aquinas.” Journal of Thomistic Personalism 2, 2011, 1-13.
- “Aquinas on Subjectivity: A Response to Crosby.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84:1, Winter 2010, 69-83.
- “Epistemic Badness.” Journal of Philosophical Research 33, 2008, 253-262.
- “The Impact of Augustine’s Thought on the Ethics of Scotus and von Hildebrand.” Fides Quaerens Intellectum 3:2, 2007, 107-126.
- “The Virtuous Nature of Forgiveness: Determining When to Forgive.” Discourse 8, Spring 2002, 133-143.
The Metaphysical Foundations of Love: Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union. Thomistic Ressourcement Series. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018.
The Root of Friendship: Self-Love and Self-Governance in Aquinas. Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, Spring 2014.
Current Courses Taught:
Introduction to Philosophy
Traditional Logic
Ancient Philosophy
Medieval Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion