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The Philosophy/Ethics program offers students a curriculum to fit their interests and career needs.

The Professional Ethics Minor consists of 18 credits, many of which can be applied toward a student’s General Education requirements.

People have always wondered about how to flourish in our world. By means of dialogue, intuition, logic and critical thought, philosophers have created pathways to wisdom and an understanding of the human condition that help students in their public and private lives to be better people living better lives.

 Find more information on these programs and their requirements here.


What Can You Do With a Philosophy Major?

Just about anything!

Former Student News

Mike Goulet, 2015 NDSU graduate, will be creating and teaching an advanced high school philosophy class that will help prepare Alameda International Jr/Sr High School students for their future endeavors. Alameda International is an IB school as well as a Title 1 school. Most of its students are under the poverty level and many are English language learners. 

The class expands on the 9th grade government class covering Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and other Modern philosophers to provide students with a broader view of what philosophy is or what it can be for them based on the curriculum for.  The course, open to 10th-12th graders, in a chronological order, breaks philosophy down into its different facets, such as epistemology/logic/metaphysics/ethics.

Goulet is a secondary social studies teacher at Alameda International, Lakewood CO, Jefferson County Public Schools. He graduated NDSU with a B.S. in Political Science. After a yearlong alternative licensure program Goulet started teaching at Alameda, where he did his student teaching, and has been there for two years.

The Program

People have always wondered about the world in which they live and how to flourish. Whether it is about truth, knowledge, reality, beauty, or goodness, or about whether life has any meaning, people find questions to ask and try to answer. By means of dialogue, intuition, logic and critical thought, Philosophers have created pathways to wisdom and an understanding of the human condition that help us in our public and private lives to be better people living better lives.


Phi Sigma Tau / Philosophy Club

The Philosophy/Humanities Major or Minor

  • The Philosophy/Ethics major consists of 32 semester credits.
  • The Philosophy/Ethics minor consists of 21 semester credits.

The major and minor curriculum guides can be found here.

Independent Study

Independent study may be pursued by students wanting to read on a special philosophical topic (e.g., aesthetics) or read the work of a particular philosopher. To initiate independent study, students must contact a member of the faculty listed above.

For More Information Contact:

Dennis Cooley
School of Humanities
Professor and Chair
(701) 231-7038



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