Dr. Rhonda Magel

Professor and Chair
Nonparametrics, Inference Under Order Restriction, Regression
Email: Rhonda.Magel@ndsu.edu
Office: 334 H Minard Hall
Ph.D. (1982)-University of Missouri
Courses Taught
- STAT 330: Introductory Statistics
- STAT 368: Statistics
- STAT 491: Capstone Seminar
- STAT 4/660: Applied Survey Sampling
- STAT 4/663: Nonparametric Statistics
- STAT 4/767: Probability & Math/Stat I
- STAT 4/768: Probability & Math/Stat II
- STAT 725: Applied Statistics
- STAT 726: Applied Regression & Analysis of Variance
- STAT 775: Using Statistics in Sports
Selected Publications
“Nonparametric Methods for the Nondecreasing Ordered Hypothesis in a Mixed Design”, with Badr Alnssyan, Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 7, Issue 4, page 56-71, July 14, 2020. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajpas/2020/v7i430193.
“Proposed Nonparametric Tests for the Simple Tree Alternative for Location and Scale Testing”, with Alsubie Abdelaziz, International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics 5(2): 26-32, 2020.
“Nonparametric Tests for the Umbrella Alternative with Known Peak in a Mixed Design, with Samah Al-Thubati , International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Volume 5: Issue 3, pp. 122-128, 2020.
“Nonparametric Tests for the Umbrella Alternative with Unknown Peak in a Mixed Design”, with Hassan Alsuhaabi, Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 7(3): 1-13, 2020, Article no.AJPAS.57100 ISSN: 2582-0230
“Type 1 Error Assessment and Power Comparison of ANOVA and Zero-Inflated Methods on Zero-Inflated Data”, with Lucas Young and Curt Doetkott, Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), Vol. 65, Issue 8, Number 2, August 2019