Parking and Transportation

Parking Fees:

  • If you have a NDSU parking pass for any lot on campus (with the exception of the Fargo Dome), you are allowed to park in the Wellness Lot for up to 2 hours without having to pay the meter.
  • If you do not have a NDSU parking pass, you will be responsible for paying the meter.
  • We have assigned Student Health Service patient parking spots in the Wellness Center parking lot where the above fee rules still apply. 

Passport Parking App

Passport Parking is a mobile app that allows you to manage your parking time if using metered parking on campus in Memorial Union (MU), Visitor, Wellness Center (WE) and T2 parking lots. More information on the app can be found on the NDSU Parking and Transportation Services website including zone numbers and fees. 

Overflow Parking

Overflow parking for the Wellness Center lot is available for students and visitors in the FA lot (located north of the LLC buildings) or the HR lot (located just west of the high rise buildings). 

For more general parking information, please visit the NDSU Parking and Transportation Services website. 


Transportation is the responsibility of each student and is not provided by Student Health Service (SHS). 

Transportation Resources:

Escort Services

The NDSU University Police and Safety Office has Campus Safety Services, including a virtual escort service available for students to utilize. 


This page is intended to act as a resource for students looking to find transportation services outside of NDSU. Please note this list is for convenience and is not all-inclusive. Students should feel free to search additional options.

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