Flow on the Go is a supplemental menstrual product distribution and hygiene education program. This program aims to provide menstrual products and hygiene education to North Dakota State University students, which contributes to their overall health and well-being. Menstruation is basic biology and with persistent effort, education, and availability of products, it is possible to fight the stigma surrounding menstruation and increase menstrual and hygiene equity.

The Flow on the Go program is partially funded by NDSU Student Government. 

Flow on the Go Request

In an effort to make the Flow on the Go program efficient and financially sustainable, the shipping of menstrual products is on a bi-monthly schedule. Every other month you will receive 2 months’ worth of product. Shipping fewer packages will allow us to continue offering the program to the NDSU community for FREE. Flow on the Go subscribers will be able to select if they would like to receive packages on the even or odd months. Packages will be mailed out the first week of each month.

Spring SemesterFall Semester

EVEN Months 

February and April

October and December      

ODD MonthsMarch and MaySeptember and November


    Here are a few helpful tips for you to better understand the program:

    • Flow on the Go is intended to be a supplemental product to what you already purchase.
    • Every body is different, so this may or may not cover your needs during your menstrual cycle.
    • You will need to resubscribe to Flow on the Go each semester. This will help reduce waste as your menstrual cycle may change, or as participants move or graduate. A new request form will be released each semester.
    • Subscriptions will be mailed bi-monthly. You may select even or odd months to receive your packages. 
    • The subscription availability will depend on access to these products. NDSU Student Health Service sources these products from a third party and supply is not guaranteed. If supply shortages will impact your package, you will receive an email with more information.
    • If you have questions or concerns about your cycle or sexual health, please call Student Health Service at (701) 231-7331 or visit theStudent Health Portal to schedule a wellness exam.


    Subscribe for Spring 2025

    Flow on the Go Spring 2025 Request Form 
    *access with Bison login and password


    If you have questions or would like more information about Flow on the Go please contact ndsu.healthpromotion@ndsu.edu

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