
Immunization Requirements For All Students:

North Dakota State University requires the following immunizations for all enrolled students per PDF download: NDSU Policy 612.

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) - MMR Information (CDC link)

  • 2 doses are required starting after age 1
  • Must have at least 28 days between dose 1 and dose 2
  • Can be given as separate or combined vaccine
  • Will accept titer results as an acceptable form of documentation if test proves immunity. Must submit copies of lab results with date of titer. (A titer is a blood draw that tests for immunity in the blood)

Meningitis (Meningococcal) ACWY - Meningitis Information (CDC link)

  • All students 21 years of age and younger must provide documentation of vaccination of Meningitis
  • Vaccination must be AFTER age 16
  • NOTE: Meningococcal-B is a separate Meningitis vaccination. It does NOT meet the NDSU requirement. 

Tuberculosis Testing

  • Any student who has lived in or traveled to a country for more than 30 days where there is a PDF download: high incidence of tuberculosis (TB) should contact Student Health Service and ask to speak to a nurse to determine if TB screening is necessary.
  • All international students are required to schedule an International Student Screening appointment within 2 weeks of arrival. Please see the International Students page for more information. 

Deadlines for Submitting Records

  • Fall Semester = August 1
  • Spring Semester = January 1
  • Summer Semester = May 1

** Students who are non-compliant may receive a registration hold on their account that will prevent them from registering for future classes.
** International students are exempt from deadlines as they can receive immunizations upon arrival to North Dakota at their required International Student Screening appointment. 

Resources for Finding Immunization Records

These are a few resources that students may use to locate copies of immunizations. 

  • State immunization registry
  • Primary care providers (hospital/clinic records)
  • Online health charts/portals
  • Military records
  • High School transcripts

Submit Your Records

All documentation must contain the student's first & last name, date of birth and date of each vaccination. Documentation also must show the source of the record (i.e. health organization) or include a health care provider's signature in order to be accepted. The Immunization Documentation Form is an optional form for submitting records but this must be signed by a health care provider. 

Records may be submitted through the following:

International Travel / Travel Abroad

See International Travel/Travel Abroad Vaccinations under the Clinical Services page. 

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding immunizations, you can contact Student Health Service by phone at (701) 231-7331 or email

Please note this email account is ONLY for immunization questions. If you have a concern regarding a health condition, please call (701) 231-7331 and ask to speak to a nurse. 

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