Enrollment After Completing Military Activation


National Guard and Reserve students returning from military activation are responsible for their own future academic course registrations. Please complete the Reactivation/Petition for Readmission Form online.  Once reactivated, you will be permitted to register at the next available registration time for this semester. (All future registrations will be according to the number of credits earned.) Your registration time will be posted to Campus Connection (under "Student Center") prior to registration for the appropriate term. If you do not have an assigned registration time, please contact One Stop at (701) 231-6200 or 1-866-924-8969.

A Schedule of Offered Courses for each registration term will be made available online on both the One Stop and Registration and Records web sites.

Depending on when you register, National Guard and Reserve students returning to NDSU may encounter some unique problems, such as closed classes (not necessarily closed sections), as you try to register. Please work with your adviser first and, if necessary, the chair of the department to resolve these issues. Each situation will be handled on an individual basis.

Undergraduate Graduation Requirements

Upon returning to NDSU, please verify whether curriculum changes have been made to your major while you were on military activation. Military students who return to NDSU after completing their military obligation (Not to exceed five years activation time) may continue in the curriculum they were following prior to military activation (Reservist Opportunities and Protection of Education Act).  Please provide a copy of your active duty orders showing the dates of your military obligation to Military and Veterans Certification Office.

Graduate Graduation Requirements

Upon returning to NDSU, please contact the Graduate School.

Residency/Reciprocity Information

Your state reciprocity used for tuition calculation will remain unchanged unless you previously received Minnesota reciprocity and have been out of attendance at NDSU for more than one academic year (fall, spring, summer), in which case your status will be changed to "non-resident".

Residence Life

Students planning to return to the residence halls, please contact Residence Life ((701) 231-7557 or 1-800-572-8840) or visit their web site at for more information. Please indicate you are returning from military duty to receive a priority room assignment.

Financial Aid

Students applying for financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) form as soon as possible. Military students deployed between January 1 and March 15 will have the financial aid deadline waived. The FAFSA form may be completed on-line. Information on Applying for Financial Aid may be viewed online on the Financial Aid & Scholarships web site. Tuition waiver financial aid forms will be made available through the National Guard.

Procedure for reporting and adjusting military on the FAFSA:

  1. All military income is reported on the FAFSA.
  2. After the FAFSA is submitted, the student will call to make an appointment with the Financial Aid Administrator in the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office ((701) 231-8397). The Student Financial Aid & Scholarships office will review all military pay to see which amounts can be excluded from the aid calculation through professional judgment.
  3. The student will be mailed a financial aid award letter.

Fee Payment

Students may access their NDSU Customer Account Services account online through Campus Connection. Dates and Deadlines are available online on the One Stop web site. If questions, please contact (701) 231-6200 or 1-866-924-8969.

Wellness Center Fitness Program

NDSU National Guard and Reserve students returning from military activation who have completed the Reactivation/Petition for Readmission Form for one of the next two semesters may use the fitness portion of the Wallman Wellness Center. Please bring your reactivation letter from the Office of Registration & Records to the Wellness Center Control Desk to complete the necessary forms to start your membership and to pick up your membership card.

HAVE QUESTIONS about Military Education Benefits?... Please contact:

Military and Veterans Certification
112 Morrill Hall
NDSU Dept. 2801 / P.O. Box 6050 / Fargo, ND 58108-6050
 (701) 231-7985 (local) / 800-608-6378 (toll free) /701-231-8959 (fax)

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