NDSU Certifying Official

The School Certifying Official at NDSU serves as the institution's certifying official for Veterans Affairs. This individual is employed by NDSU and resides in the Office of Registration and Records. The role of the Certifying Official is to assist current and incoming NDSU students with the application process for VA educational benefits.

The School Certifying Official will:

  1. Direct students to the necessary VA application materials
  2. Certify student enrollment and verify ongoing enrollment changes to the VA
  3. Communicate important NDSU/VA information which impacts enrollment
  4. Serve as a liaison to Veteran's Affairs
  5. Connect students with available resources on the NDSU campus and with the VA

Students are encouraged to review the GI Bill® website for complete benefit and application information. Contact the NDSU Schoool Certifying Official, Todd Yackley should you have questions or concerns. The NDSU SCO is located in 112 Morrill Hall and may be reached by phone at (701) 231-9782 or toll-free at 1-800-608-6378 or by email at ndsu.veterans@ndsu.edu. A Veteran's Affairs representative may also be contacted at 1-(888) 442-4551 for assistance.

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