Jaeha Lee. Ph.D.

Professor & Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design Program Coordinator

Office: E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall 308D

Mail: NDSU Dept 2610, PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Phone: 701-231-8220

Email: jaeha.lee@ndsu.edu



Jaeha Lee is a Professor and Program Coordinator in the Apparel, Retail Merchandising, and Design Program. Her research agenda delves into both retailers who supply goods and services to the end consumer and the end consumer who utilizes these products and services. Her passion for research lies in creating a sustainable marketplace for all entities, including small retailers and consumers.

The courses she teaches primarily focus on conveying knowledge related to fashion/retail industry processes and globalization. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including global retailing, merchandise planning and buying, entrepreneurship, and consumer behavior.


Who are your role models or inspiring folks?

My major professor during my graduate school years, Kim J. P. Johnson, serves as my role model. I draw inspiration from entrepreneurs who demonstrate innovative thinking and are unafraid to explore unconventional approaches.

Outside of art and design fields, what inspires you?

I travel a lot, and I especially enjoy traveling internationally. I love meeting people from different cultures and gaining insights from diverse perspectives.

What do you wish you had known when you started out as a student/in this field?

Persevere and do not fear failures. The lessons you learn from these experiences will lead to your success in the future.

What was your most memorable meal?

The meal my mom cooked for me when I visited my home in South Korea during my pregnancy

In your office, you can only have three things, one book, one tool, and one picture. What would they be and why?

Book: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Each time I read it, it evokes different thoughts in my mind.)

Tool: Pencil (I like to write.)

Picture: My family (I always miss them.)

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