R - Workshop
August 8 & 9, 2024 8:30am - 4pm NDSU AGHILL, Room 240

North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute will host a workshop led by Travis Seaborn, NDSU AES School of Natural Resource Sciences assistant professor.
The workshop is designed to be beginner-friendly, enabling participants with no prior experience in R and RStudio to learn essential skills for data analysis. The focus is on reading, cleaning, summarizing, and plotting data.
Instructor NDSU AES School of Natural Resource Sciences Assistant Professor Travis Seaborn, is a member of the Carpentries, using their open-source workshop materials maintained via GitHub. Workshops taught include Unix and Git, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, and various Data Carpentry workshops for Ecology, Geospatial Data, and Genomics. The ecology workshop material has been used as the foundation for RNG 791 classes, which were conducted in a workshop format in the recent semester and last spring. For specific materials, refer to Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry lessons available online.
The workshop agenda:
Capacity for this workshop has been reached and registration is closed.