NDWRRI Affiliate Faculty
Achintya Bezbaruah
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: Environmental Sensors, Small Community Treatment, Micropollutants
Frank Casey
Associate Director of North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Professor of Soil Physics, NDSU
Research Interests: Transport of Bioactive Chemicals in Soil-Water Systems, Soil Water Flow Measurement
Xuefeng (Michael) Chu
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: Watershed Hydrologic Modeling, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Wetlands
Larry Cihacek
Professor, Department of Soil Science, NDSU
Research Interests: Effects of management on carbon sequestration in soils, Fertilizer management in alternative crop systems and in reduced tillage systems, Effects of cropping systems on soil nutrient cycling
Shawn DeKeyser
Professor, Range/NRM, NDSU
Research Interests: Rangeland Ecology, Grazing Management, Wetland Ecology and Assessment
David Delene
Research Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, UND
Research Interest: Aerosol-Cloud Interaction, Precipitation Development, Weather Modification, Remote Sensing, Airborne Measurements, Statistical Analysis
Thomas DeSutter
Professor of Soil Science, NDSU
Research Interests: Application of industrial by-products to soils; soil salinity and sodicity; fate and transport of manure-borne hormones in swine production facilities; distribution of mercury in surface and subsurface soils

Mahmut Selim Ersan
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, UND
Research Interests: Emerging Contaminants; Environmental Sensing Technologies; Innovative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies; Sustainable Water Reuse Applications; Nano-enabled and Conventional Adsorbents
Email: mahmut.ersan@und.edu

Iris (Xiaoyu) Feng
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: Nutrient management, air&water quality, manure treatment, environmental control systems, GHGs, smart livestock
Email: xiaoyu.feng.1@ndsu.edu

Surojit Gupta
Professor, Advanced Materials Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UND
Research interests: sustainable materials, high temperature ceramics and alloys, nanotechnology, additive, and green manufacturing
Email: surojit.gupta@und.edu
Caroline Hackerott
Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Disaster Resilience, and Emergency Management, NDSU
Research Interests: Community-based Disaster Resilience, the Intersection of Climate Disruptions, Rural Social Systems, and Disaster, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Disaster Resilience Higher Education.
Email: caroline.hackerott@ndsu.edu
Christina Hargiss
Associate Professor/Interim Director, School of Natural Resource Sciences, NDSU
Research Interests: Water Use, Water Quality, Wetland Ecology, Environmental Education, Effects of energy development on natural resources in North Dakota
Robert R. Hearne
Professor of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, NDSU
Research Interest: Water Policy and Institutions, Water Markets, Valuation of Non-market Environmental Goods and Services
I-Hsuan Ho
Associate Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, UND
Research Interest: Energy Geotechnics, Pavement Heating, Slope Stability, Computational Geomechanics, Load Reduction Methods for Buried Culverts, Gr. Improvement
Syeed Iskander
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NDSU
Reseach Interest: Municipal Solid Waste Management, Organic Waste Management, Plastics Pollution, Landfilling, and Landfill Leachate Management
Yun Ji
Professor, Chemical Engineering, UND
Research Interests: Biomass pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, forestry bio-refinery and renewable chemicals and fuels, green composites and materials. Other areas include: oil and gas pipeline detection modeling, metal-ion co-catalysts to improve biomass pretreatment yields, pulp and paper technology, paper recycling, and process/environmental engineering applications.
Email: yun.ji@UND.edu
Mark A. Kaemingk
Assistant Professor of Aquatic Ecology, Department of Biology, UND
Research Interests: Spatiotemporal dynamics, Social-ecological systems, Recreational fisheries, Aquatic ecology, Fish ecology.
Email: mark.kaemingk@und.edu
Benjamin Laabs
Associate Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Sciences, NDSU
Research Interest: Geologic records of past glaciation, Response of surface processes to climate change, Field mapping, Spatial analysis with GIS, Cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of sediments and landforms
Trung Le
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: High Performance Computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid-Structure Interaction
Howe Lim
Professor of Civil Engineering, UND
Research Interests: Open channel hydraulics and hydrologic runoff in cold regions, Flood frequency analysis and implications in changing climates, Streambank assessments and stabilizations, Revitalization of urban streams
Siew Hoon Lim
Professor, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, NDSU
Research Interests: Research Interest: Transportation, community and food system resilience to climate change
Email: siew.lim@ndsu.edu
Zhulu Lin
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: Environmental systems analysis, Surface and subsurface hydrology and modeling, Soil and water resources management

Juncheng Lu
Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture, Disaster Resilience and Emergency Management (LADREM), NDSU
Research Interests: Sustainable planning and design; landscape performance; watershed management and stream restoration; environmental justice
Email: juncheng.lu@ndsu.edu

Shuning Lu
Assistant Professor, Communications, NDSU
Email: shuning.lu@ndsu.edu
Taufique Mahmood
Associate Professor, Department of Geology & Geological Engineering, UND
Research Interest: Monitoring and assessment of agricultural hydrology and water quality, developing conceptual model for nutrient transport, spatial controls on watershed and hillslope scale hydrologic responses

Lindsay Malone
Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resource Sciences, NDSU
Research Interests: Climate Smart Approaches in agriculture, emphasizing resilience, soil health, and data-driven conservation management.
Email: lindsay.malone@ndsu.edu
Marinus Otte
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, NDSU
Research Interest: Wetlands, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Ecophysiology, Biogeochemistry

Dane Mataic
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, NDSU
Email: dane.mataic@ndsu.edu
John McEvoy
Professor, Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences, NDSU
Research Interests: Cryptosporidium virulence factors and mechanisms of pathogenesis

Laxmi Prasad
Assistant Professor and Extension Water Engineer, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, NDSU
Research Interest: Watershed Hydrology, Soil and Water Conservation, Agricultural Water Management, Water Quality, Frozen Soil Physics, Watershed Modeling
Email: laxmi.prasad@ndsu.edu
Peter Oduor
Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Sciences, NDSU
Research Interest: Geographic Information Systems, Groundwater Flow Modeling, Groundwater Contamination
Xiaoning Qi
Assistant Professor, Coatings and Polymeric Materials, NDSU
Research Interests: corrosion characterization and prevention, coating design and formulation, sustainable coating solutions, bridge coatings, high temperature coatings, durable functional surfaces, and repairable/healable coatings.
Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat
Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Sciences, NDSU
Research Interests: Environmental Geochemistry, Igneous Petrology, Economic Geology, Pedagogical Methods

Travis Seaborn
Assistant Professor, Applied Ecology, School of Natural Resource Sciences, NDSU
Research Interest: Management and conservation as species face changing environments, with an emphasis on how our actions can shift outcomes of fish, wildlife, and people. Studies questions scaling from genomes to social-ecological systems and their landscapes, with an emphasis on fishes and amphibians. Current projects include impacts of restoration, invasive species, climate change, land use change, and disease ecology management.
Email: travis.seaborn@ndsu.edu

Craig Stockwell
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, NDSU
Research Interests: Conservation Biology, Evolutionary Ecology of Native Fishes, Human-Wildlife Interactions
Dean Steele
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, NDSU
Research Interest: Development of water management practices and tools for improved crop production and natural resource management, Computer aided analysis and design
Gregory Vandeberg
Professor of Geography, UND
Research Interests: Surface water quality; nutrients and heavy metals, fluvial and glacial geomorphology, disturbed land reclamation, GIS and remote sensing applications

Jiale Xu
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, NDSU
Research Interests: Water and Wastewater Treatment, Wastewater Reuse, Water Quality in Agriculture, De Facto Reuse, Produced Water Treatment, Photocatalytic Water Treatment, Membrane and Electrochemical Technologies, and Disinfection Byproducts
Email: jiale.xu@ndsu.edu>
Joseph Zeleznik
Extension Forester, School of Natural Resources, NDSU
Research Interests: Dendrochronology of ponderosa pine and bur oak, Bur oak regeneration, Riparian forest restoration

Julia Zhao
Professor, Chemistry, UND