
Academic Collegiate Enhancement (ACE) Tutoring offers free support to currently enrolled NDSU students in a variety of courses and subjects. The ACE Tutoring Center located at the NDSU Fargo campus, lower level of West Dining.

We offer:

  • Drop-in - click to see the in-person drop-in scheudle and courses available.
  • Appointments - click to see the in-person appointment options at ACE
  • Online - click to see 24/7 online tutoring and academic support options.
  • MATH TA/LA office hours - click to see the teaching and learning assistants' hours at ACE

Working with a tutor is a great way to:

  • Reach your academic goals. You want to do well, we are here to help you.
  • Increase your confidence in classes you are taking.
  • Review key concepts from your classes.
  • Learn helpful study skills.
  • Build an academic network with other students who are interested in the same courses and majors as you.

ACE Tutoring Options

All in-person tutoring is held in the ACE Tutoring Center on the NDSU Fargo campus. ACE is located in the lower level of the West Dining Center.

Drop-In Tutoring at ACE - no appointment needed

In-person tutoring led by ACE Tutors, no appointments necessary. Join us during our popular drop-in tutoring times. Students report drop-in tutoring is a great space to connect with others, work on homework, get questions answered, and work with tutors and other students in your classes. Bring a friend or classmate (or two). Use the following link to learn more about drop-in tutoring courses and available times: Drop-In On-Campus Tutoring Link

Spring 2025 Courses Available with ACE Tutors
  • Fall tutoring at ACE starts on Tuesday January 21st 2025
  • Need online 24/7 tutoring? See our online tutoring page.

Courses Available at ACE – Spring 2025

  • ACCT 102, 200, 201, 320
  • ANSC 218
  • BIOC 260, 460
  • BIOL 150, 151, 220, 260, 315, 370, 460, 482
  • CE 309
  • CHEM 117, 121, 140, 240, 341, 342
  • CSCI 114, 160, 161, 222, 336, 372
  • ECE 301
  • ECON 105, 201, 202, 341, 410
  • IME 330, 380, 460
  • MATH 98, 103, 105, 129, 146, 165, 166, 259, 265, 266, 270, 329
  • ME 111, 212, 221, 222, 223, 351, 352, 421, 442, 443, 454
  • MICR 202, 350, 460
  • NURS 300, 301, 306, 321, 341, 342, 360
  • PHYS 251, 252
  • PLSC 315
  • PSYC 111, 250, 350, 351
  • STAT 330, 331, 367

Tutoring FAQ's

Q: Who are the ACE peer tutors?

A: ACE Tutors are current NDSU students who have earned high grades and professor recommendations in the classes they tutor. As a tutor, they must maintain high academic achievement throughout their employment and complete rigorous training to receive certification through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).   If you would like to be a tutor, please visit our Employment Page

Q: How much does tutoring cost?

A: There are no additional costs associated with tutoring at ACE, so come often and stay as long as you want! To put this into perspective, private tutoring can range from $25-$45 per hour in the FM area.

Q: Who uses ACE Tutoring?

A: Because our focus is on introductory classes, we certainly see many first- and second-year students, but we work with juniors, seniors, and graduate students too. ACE has had up to 50,00 student visits each year, making it one of the most popular on-campus resources. Additionally, we know that students who visit ACE regularly have higher GPAs than students who don't utilize tutoring, so don't be afraid to stop in. Our tutors have experience in the courses you are taking right now and look forward to visiting with you.

Q: What else can ACE help me with?

A: While ACE is well known for our tutoring, we also have quiet study rooms for individuals or groups, a computer cluster with printer, and a peer mentoring program which offers individualized skill building for academic success - the Rising Scholars Program.


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