Study Abroad

Expand Your Horizons

The NDSU Apparel, Retail Merchandising, and Design (ARMD) program offers students the incredible opportunity to study abroad and gain global insights into the fashion and retail industries. By immersing yourself in different cultures, you’ll explore diverse perspectives on design, marketing, and business practices, all while earning credits toward your degree.


Why Study Abroad?

Broaden your understanding of global fashion trends and consumer behavior.

Gain hands-on experience in international design and merchandising.

Build a professional network that spans across borders.

Enhance your resume with unique skills valued in the fashion and retail industries.


Emily Wotzka, London

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Mackenzie Koenig, Milan

Emily Wotzka and Mackenzie Koenig, spent the fall 2017 semester studying abroad in Europe. Both loved the once in a lifetime experi-ence and would encourage others to study abroad. Emily Wotzka studied at the University of Chester in England. She took classes in both fashion design and journalism. Classes at the University of Chester were very immersive and engaging.



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