
Doctoral Candidates in Biochemistry

First Year

  • Academic Evaluation Test (AET)
  • Remove academic deficiencies
  • Complete rotation
  • Select thesis advisor
  • Establish A&E Committee
  • Hold first A&E Committee meeting
  • File Plan of Study
  • Complete the six core courses
  • Pass 3 of 6 sections of the AET, or equivalent

Second Year

  • Second year seminar (first departmental seminar)
  • Hold second A&E Committee Meeting
  • Complete or nearly complete didactic courses
  • Submission and presentation of “mini-proposals”
  • Receive approval to proceed to “maxi-proposal”

Third Year

  • Submit full “maxi-proposal” to A&E Committee
  • Give second departmental seminar
  • Defend maxi-proposal and pass oral defense and comprehensive exam
  • Completion of didactic courses (if necessary)
  • Completion of retake of oral defense of maxi-proposal and comprehensive exam (if necessary)

Fourth Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give thesis seminar
  • Pass final defense

Fifth Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give thesis seminar
  • Pass final defense
  • Submit a three-minute video summarizing their dissertation research for a lay audience to Graduate School
  • NOTE: financial support ends after 14 semesters


Doctoral Candidates in Chemistry

First Year

  • Academic Evaluation Test (AET)
  • Remove academic deficiencies
  • Complete rotation
  • Select thesis advisor
  • Establish A&E Committee
  • Hold first A&E Committee meeting
  • File Plan of Study
  • Complete the six core courses
  • Pass 3 of 6 sections of the AET, or equivalent

Second Year

  • Second year seminar (first departmental seminar)
  • Submit mini proposals to A&E Committee members and present them for approval at a Committee meeting
  • Submit and present a public seminar on the maxi proposal
  • Defend the maxi proposal in a meeting with the A&E Committee

Third Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Redefend maxi-proposal and comprehensive exam (if necessary)

Fourth Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give dissertation seminar and pass the final defense (if ready)

Fifth Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give dissertation seminar and pass the final defense
  • Submit a three-minute video summarizing their dissertation research for a lay audience to Graduate School


MS Degree Candidates

First Year

  • Academic Evaluation Test (AET)
  • Remove academic deficiencies
  • Complete rotation
  • Select thesis advisor
  • Establish A&E Committee
  • First A&E Committee meeting
  • File Plan of Study
  • Complete the six core courses
  • Pass 3 of 6 sections of the AET, or equivalent

Second Year

  • Second year seminar (first departmental seminar)
  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give thesis seminar and pass final defense and oral comprehensive examination

Third Year

  • Hold annual A&E Committee meeting
  • Give thesis seminar and pass final defense and oral comprehensive examination


Information for All Programs

Failure to stay on the timeline prescribed herein is grounds for dismissal from the degree program. In order to continue in the program, approval of the A&E Committee will be required. Even if the student is granted permission to continue, the A&E Committee may impose other sanctions (vide supra).

More informationcan be found at Policies and Forms and Graduate School .


For more information contact:

Dr. John Hershberger, Chair of Graduate Student Progress Committee
Phone: 701-231-8225
Office: Sugihara 320
Email: john.hershberger@ndsu.edu


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