Pregnancy and Lactation

The following resources are available to NDSU faculty, staff, and students who are pregnant and parenting:

Students that wish to request pregnancy accommodations should contact Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources at (701) 231-8463 or  Students may also visit for further information.  

Employees (staff and faculty) that wish to request pregnancy accommodations should contact Human Resources at (701) 231-8961 or Employees may also visit for further information.  

The Pregnant Scholar - This online toolkit addresses Title IX protections for University students, faculty, and administrators who are pregnant and parenting.

Lactation Rooms

NDSU has the following lactation rooms, fitting the criteria included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA - see below), available:

  • A. Glenn Hill Center - First Floor, Northeast corner
  • Aldevron Tower - First and Sixth Floors near the bathrooms
  • Barry Hall - Located on the first floor, west of the coffee shop
  • Bentson/Bunker Fieldhouse - Lower Level on the north end between the Biomechanics Lab and the Human Performance Lab
  • Hastings Hall - First Floor in the north east corner
  • Hultz Hall - Room 241
  • Memorial Union - First Floor on the south side of Brostrom Lounge
  • Minard Hall - Located on the second floor next to room 208
  • Northern Crops Institute - Located on the second floor
  • Nursing- Bismarck Site - Room 132 – The Lactation Room is located down the hall from the main floor restrooms.
  • Peltier Complex - Located on the First Floor near the Auditorium
  • Sanford Health Athletic Complex (SHAC) Room 1034 (Locker Room #1) - To utilize this space, please contact Kate Kalthoff, Assistant Director of Facilities and Operations, at (701) 318-2030 prior to your visit to the SHAC to receive information on how to obtain keys to the room.
  • Sugihara Hall - Located on the fourth floor near the restrooms

To see these locations in map form, follow this link to the Facilities Management page:

Other Options for Lactation Space:
The following spaces offer privacy, access to electrical outlets, and comfortable seating, but might be located in single-occupancy restroom facilities:

  • Hultz Hall Room 210 (located in a curtained-off area in a single-occupancy restroom)
  • Wellness Center's Childcare Center - Available by appointment with priority to mothers with children in the Childcare Center.  Call the front desk at 231-5203 to make an appointment.  The lactation room is in a curtained -off space in the staff lounge.

NDSU Policy 213 - Rest Periods

This policy addresses rest periods available to University employees for the purposes of expressing breast milk.  Employees are encouraged to work with their supervisors to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made in a timely manner.

The full policy can be found at: PDF download: 

BreastFeeding/Pumping Support 

Members of the NDSU campus community seeking support or information to assist them with their breastfeeding/pumping needs, to identify appropriate lactation space, or for other questions or concerns related to pregnancy and/or lactation can contact the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Compliance Office at 231-7708 or

Infant-Friendly Workplace Designation

NDSU has been designated as an infant-friendly workplace by North Dakota Health and Human Services. To earn this designation, NDSU has established an approved workplace breastfeeding policy that includes flexible work scheduling for the expression of breast milk; a convenient, sanitary, safe and private location; a convenient, clean and safe water source; and a convenient place for temporarily storing breast milk. This is a three-year designation and is in effect from April 28, 2023 to December 31, 2026. Designations can be renewed.

For more information, please visit                                           


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