Standing And Joint Committees 2022-2023
Refer to the Faculty Senate Bylaws for the requirements and responsibilities of each standing committee.
Academic Integrity
Cheryl Wachenheim AFSNR
Elizabeth Crisp Crawford, AHSS (2024)
Jin Li, BUSN (2023)
Kenneth Magel, ENGR
Estelle Leclerc, HP (2023)
Brad Strand, HSE
Dogan Comez, SM
Grace McCulloch, Student Government
Jo Ann Miller (AHSS)
Andrew Meyer (AHSS)
Justin Wageman (HSE)
Jeanne Frenzel (HP)
Rebekah Oliver, AFSNR
Jessica Jensen (Chair), AHSS (2023)
David Hong, BUSN (2024)
Mijia Yang, ENGR (2023)
Rebecca Brynjulson, HP (2023)
Laura Dahl, HSE (2023)
Lisa Montplaisir, SM
Joe Mike Jones, GIS
Emily Berg, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis
Jeff Boyer, Office of the Provost
Stacy Duffield, Office of Teaching and Learning
Hallie Pritchett, Associate Dean of Libraries for Research and Learning
Lilly Bina, Student Government
Vacant, General Education Committee representative
Vacant, Graduate Student Government representative
Vacant, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management representative
Member List on Athletics' Website
Budget Committee
Thomas Peters, AFSNR
Adam Goldwyn, AHSS (2023)
Michael Peterson (Chair), BUSN (2024)
Jacob Glower, ENGR
Anastassiya Andrianova, Faculty Senate President
Stefan Vetter, HP (2024)
Shannon David, HSE
Jiang Long, GIS
David Bertolini, Interim Provost, ex-officio
Bruce Bollinger, Vice President for Finance and Administration, ex-officio
Tanner Johnson, Student Government
Vacant, SM
Campus Space & Facilities
Alan Zuk, AFSNR
Anthony Flood, AHSS (2023)
Michelle Hong, BUSN (2023)
Ravi Yellavajjala, ENGR
Stefan Vetter, HP (2023)
Marty Douglas, HSE
Indranil SenGupta, SM
David Bertolini, Interim Provost
Philip Hunt, Registrar, ex-officio
Bruce Bollinger, Vice President for Finance and Administration, ex-officio
Mike Ellingson, Director of Facilities Management, ex-officio
Michael Strand, Director of the School of Design, ex-officio
Janelle Quam, Assistant to the Director, ND Ag Experiment Station, ex-officio
Jolie Graybill, Dean, NDSU Libraries, ex-officio
Kaylee Weigel, Student Government
Jennifer Young, Staff Senate
Ben Bernard, Staff Senate
Vacant, Student Government (three members total)
Vacant, Staff Senate
Vacant, Graduate School faculty representative as designated by Dean of Grad School
Conflict of Interest Advisory
These faculty members are recommended by the Executive Committee and appointed by the President.
Jessica Striker, SM
Council of College Faculties
These faculty members are elected each spring by secure electronic ballot by all faculty.
Svetlana Kilina, SM
Lisa Montplaisir, SM
Tom Peters, AFSNR
Gerald Stokka, AFSNR
Adam Marx (Co-Chair), HSE
Deying Li, AFSNR
Verena Theile, AHSS (2024)
Michael Petersen (Co-Chair), BUSN (2024)
Kelly Rusch, ENGR
Chengwen Sun, HP (2024)
Pinjing Zhao, SM
Derek Lehmberg, GIS
Kaylee Weigel, Student Government
Jeff Boyer, Provost's Office, ex-officio
Nancy Kasper, Registration & Records, ex-officio
Philip Hunt, Registrar, ex-officio
RaNelle Ingalls, Associate Registrar, ex-officio
Vacant, Student Government
Vacant, Student Government
Vacant, Libraries, ex-officio
Jack Norland, AFSNR
Jeanne Hageman, AHSS
Rajani Ganesh-Pillai, BUSN (2024)
Kenneth Magel, ENGR
Andrea Huseth-Zosel, HP (2026)
Susan Ray-Degges, HSE
Indranil SenGupta and Svetlana Kilina, SM
Svetlana Kilina, SM
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Zubair Malik, ENG
Tracy Barrett, AHSS (2023)
Mary Larson, HP
Seungmin Kang, HSE (serving while Hollie Mackey is on leave)
Diomo Motuba, BUSN (2024)
Indranil SenGupta, CSM
Lei Zhang, AFSNR
Canan Bilen-Green, Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs & Equity
Linda Langley, Commission on the Status of Women Faculty - recommended by Executive Committee
Anastassiya Andrianova, Faculty Senate President
Florin Salajan, Faculty Senate Past President
Warren Christensen, Faculty Senate President-Elect
Eric Berg, AFSNR
Pamela Emanuelson, AHSS (2023)
David Hong, BUSN (2023)
Jerry Gao, ENGR
Susan Sell, GIS
Karla Haug, HP (2023)
Ryan McGrath, HSE
Mila Kryjevskaia, SM (2023)
David Bertolini, Interim Provost, ex-officio
Laura Parson, Commission on the Status of Women Faculty, ex-officio
Ali Amiri, Parliamentarian, ex-officio
Vacant, Secretary
Faculty Affairs
Glenn Dorsam, AFSNR
Jessica Jensen, AHSS (2023)
Jeff Chen, BUSN (2023)
Lisa Arnold, CSWF
Jordi Estevadeordal, ENGR
Mark Strand, HP (2023)
Vacant, HSE
Jeff Johnson (Chair), SM
Teresa Shume, Graduate School faculty representative
Faculty Rights
Tenured full professors elected each spring by all faculty through secure electronic ballot.
Tom DeSutter, AFSNR (2021-2026)
Tom Ambrosio, AHSS (2020-2025)
Kenneth Magel, ENGR (2022-2025; replaced faculty member on leave)
Jeanne Frenzel, HP (2021-2026)
Ken Lepper, SM (2021-2026)
General Education
Jack Norland (Co-Chair), AFSNR
Holly Hassel (Co-Chair), AHSS (2023)
Onnolee Nordstrom, BUSN (2023)
Pratap Kotala, ENGR
Karla Haug, HP (2024)
Nicklaus Redenius, HSE
Clayton Hilmert, SM
Jeff Boyer, Director of Assessment & Accreditation
RaNelle Ingalls, Registrar's Office representative
Jolie Graybill, Dean of Libraries
Emily Berg, Office of Institutional Research & Analysis representative
Vacant, Student Government
Grade Appeals Board
Canan Bilen-Green (Chair), Vice Provost for Faculty and Equity
Zhulu Lin, AFSNR
Jeanne Hageman, AHSS (2023)
Nancy Emerson, BUSN (2024)
Jacob Glower, ENGR
Heidi Eukel, HP (2025)
Jaeha Lee, HSE
Craig Stockwell, GIS
Erin Conwell, SM
Rachel Anfinson, Student Government
Mark Rohleder, Student Government
Steven Giddens, Student Government
David Englund, AFSNR
Carol Archbold, AHSS (2023)
Rachel Thompson, BUSN (2024)
G. H. Nazari, ENGR
Heather Fuller, HSE
Anne Eliason, HP (2024)
Erik Hobbie, GIS
Zhongyu Yang, SM
Nicholas Ruble (Student Government)
Bob Hearne, AFSNR
Andrew Stark (Chair), AHSS (2023)
Charles Stevens, BUSN (2023)
Danling Wang, ENGR
Estelle Leclerc, HP (2023)
Justin Wageman, HSE
Bakhtiyor Rasulev, SM
Jolie Graybill, Dean of Libraries
Grace McCulloch, Student Government
Alicia Laferriere, Staff Senate
Vacant, Student Goverment
Vacant, Information Technology
Vacant, GIS
Program Review
Jessica Jensen, AHSS (2023)
Limin Zhang, BUSN (2025)
Mijia Yang, ENGR
Loretta Heuer, HP (2024)
Florin Salajan, HSE
Andrew Croll (Chair), SM
Jeff Boyer, Provost's Office
Tanner Johnson, Student Government
Vacant, Student Government
Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, AFSNR
Amy Stichman, AHSS (2023)
Joe Mike Jones, BUSN (2023)
Jacob Glower, ENGR
Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, HP (2025)
Jodi Tangen, HSE
Nikita Barabanov, SM
Research & Consulting
Julie Pasche, AFSNR
Nicholas Bauroth, AHSS (2023)
Jeffrey Chen, BUSN (2023)
Ghodrat Karami, ENGR
Sanku Malik, HP (2024)
Kyle Hackney, HSE
Kendra Greenlee, SM
Vacant, Graduate Student
Vacant, VPRCA representative as designed by the Vice President for RCA
Senate Coordinating Council
Technology and Instructional Services
Anupa Sharma, AFSNR
Melissa Vosen Callens, AHSS (2023)
Supavich (Fone) Pengnate, BUSN (2024)
Ivan Lima (Chair), ENGR
Stefanie Meyer, HP (2023)
Carrie Johnson, HSE
Matthew Smith, SM
Avery Jorgensen, Student Government
Vacant, Graduate Faculty representative designated by the Dean of the Graduate School
Vacant, three representatives from IT