Student Support Services

The HDFS department supports your right to be known as the name that best matches your self-identity within our classrooms, advising sessions, and otherwise. Please feel free to share your preferred name with your professor and/or advisor. If you are interested in more formally changing your name, steps for that process are outlined on this website: If you are experiencing challenges with changing your name, please feel free to reach out to an HDFS faculty member or advisor.

We want students to be as successful as possible! Here are some resources for you...

Advising Resource Center (ARC)

The Career Advising Center, located in 1301 Administration Avenue 306 Ceres Hall, advises all undeclared/exploratory students. The ARC can be reached at 701-231-7111 or via email at

Additionally, students from all majors with general advising questions may also stop in the CAC to:

  • Identify advisors and get assistance scheduling an appointment to learn about other NDSU majors
  • Ask basic questions about general education requirements
  • Understand academic policies at NDSU
  • Receive guidance on academic major, including how to add/change a major/minor
  • Get referrals to academic resources on campus
Career Preparation

Career Center

Health Support Services

Counseling Center provides personal and academic counseling
Student Health Service (clinic and pharmacy)
Wellness Center

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