Pilot Projects

  • SQUEEZE: This investigation will seek to 1) Examine the inter-rater reliability of subjective hand squeeze, 2) evaluate the intra-rater reliability of subjective hand squeeze, and 3) assess the test-retest reliability of handgrip strength on the electronic handgrip dynamometer in adults aged 18-84 years.
  • FUN: 1) Evaluate the relationships between upper extremity flexibility and handgrip performance, and 2) examine the relationships between hand function and handgrip performance in older adults.
  • WOMEN: This study will seek to 1) determine differences in maximal handgrip strength, rate of handgrip force development, strength asymmetry, and fatigability between the menstrual and mid-luteal phases of a menstrual cycle in eumenorrheic women, 2) determine differences in mental health and mood between the menstrual and mid-luteal phases of a menstrual cycle in eumenorrheic women.
  • STRENGTH: Examine the relationships of handgrip isometric strength, fatigability, rate of force development, and asymmetry with lower extremity isometric strength, fatigability, rate of force development, and asymmetry in resistance trained individuals aged at least 18-years.
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