What We Do

The State Soil Conservation Committee (SSCC) assists with administrative matters and provides program planning assistance to the soil conservation districts (SCDs) in the state of North Dakota. The members of the SSCC receive $135 per day as compensation for their services on the SSCC in addition to travel expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. Meetings of the SSCC are open to the public.
Principal Duties and Powers:
- To offer such assistance as may be appropriate to the supervisors of districts in the carrying out of any of their powers and programs.
- To keep the supervisors of each of the several districts informed of the activities and experience of all other districts and to facilitate an interchange of advice and experience between such districts and cooperation between them.
- To secure the cooperation and assistance of state, federal, regional, interstate, and local, public, and private agencies with districts and to facilitate arrangements under which districts may assist or serve county governing bodies and other agencies in the administration of any activity concerned with the conservation of natural resources.
- To review agreements, or forms of agreements, proposed to be entered into by districts with other districts or with state, federal, interstate, or other public or private organizations and advise the districts concerning such agreements or forms of agreement.
- To recommend to the Extension Director biennial budgets necessary to finance the activities of the SSCC and districts and to distribute moneys appropriated by the legislative assembly for grants to SCDs.
- To represent the state in matters affecting soil conservation.
- To require annual reports from districts.
- To establish uniform accounting methods that shall be used by districts.
- To receive from other state and local agencies for review and comment suitable descriptions of their plans, programs, and activities affecting the conservation of natural resources for purposes of coordination with district conservation programs.
- To arrange for and participate in conferences necessary to avoid conflict among such plans and programs, to call attention to omissions, and to avoid duplication of effort.